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f4f13fn (1854-1925) Romanian civil engineer and scientist. Professor at National School for Bridges and Roadways, and member of the Romanian Academy. He produced the lay-out for and realised in 1882 the construction of the railway bridges on the line between Adjud and Tg Ocna, and the double way viaduct and railway bridge on the Siret, at Cosmesti, to be the bridgework which made his
Text complet - 259 cuvinte


I INTRODUCTION c6f3fz England (Latin Anglia), political division of the island of Great Britain, the principal division of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England occupies all of the island east of Wales and south of Scotland, other divisions of the island of Great Britain. Established as an independent monarchy many centuries ago, England in time achieved pol
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According to the European branch of WWF, the brown bear is in danger in all the world. Its population is about 100-150 persons. We find her in Central and Northern Pindos and also in Western Rodopi. g7i10it Another species in danger in all over Europe is lynx, the biggest European feline. Very few lynxes live now in Greece because of the hunting for their fur and because of
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Artificial intelligence versus human intelligence

First of all we have to clear up what does artificial intelligence means? If we take a regular computer magazine in their opinion is that intelligence that was created in an artificial media with the computer on first place. To have artificial intelligence we first need a model to create it. That model came from the old Mother Nature that has inspired us in many areas. Biology pe
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BAC 2004 1-2 ore

k1r1rl 1.1)to tell 2)to stay 3)carry 4)to work 5)left 6)must 2.1)left just 2)warning 3)might 4)needn’t have run 5)to watch 6)will have gone 3.1)might as well 2)already 3)is there 4)compass 5)to talk 6)used to be 4.1)the 2)fundamentally 3)revise 4)mustn’t 5)even though 6)should 5.1)the moment 2)are 3)were 4)it’s getting 5)are 6)there is 6.1)these days 2)say; is 3)is;
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Berlin, city in northeastern Germany, capital of a united Germany from 1871 to 1945 and again since 1990. It lies on the flatlands of the North German Plain at the confluence of several rivers and amid many lakes. The city's slight elevation made it a site for human settlement even in prehistoric times. Berlin has a population of about 3,454,200 (1992 estimate) and an area of app
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g9k8ky I INTRODUCTION Bucharest, capital and largest city of Romania, located in the southeastern part of the country. The city is situated about 65 km (about 40 mi) north of the Danube River, near Ploieºti, on the banks of the Dimboviþa River (a tributary of the Danube). Bucharest lies on a generally level plain and, including suburban districts, occupies an area of about
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Chicago City

Chicago (city), Illinois, United States. Chicago is the third-largest city in the United States and one of the country's leading industrial, commercial, financial, and transport centres. It extends some 47 km (29 mi) along the south-western shore of Lake Michigan, occupying flatland traversed by two short rivers: the Chicago River and the Calumet River. Both rivers have been linked by ca
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Color Blindness (Color About Vision Deficiency)

y7l16lh What colorblindness is: · Color blindness (color vision deficiency) is a condition in which certain colors cannot be distinguished, and is most commonly due to an inherited condition. Red/Green color blindness is by far the most common form, about 99%, and causes problems in distinguishing reds and greens. Another color deficiency Blue/Yellow also exists, but is rare an
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Comparison between the United States, United Kingdom and Romanian Constitutions and Legal System

Regardless of some minor differences the fundamental law in all the three states is The Constitution. The United States has a written constitution which was made up in 1787 which sets out the main Principals of Government. The Constitution has been amended 26 times from its creation, and the first ten amendments are known as “the Bill of Rights” -; basic rights su
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