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Northern Ireland

I. GOVERNMENT x9h9hh Northern Ireland, an integral part of the United Kingdom, elects members (currently 18) to the lower house of the British parliament, the House of Commons. In recent years some of those elected—usually from Sinn Fein—have chosen not to go to London, usually in order to protest against the domestic situation and because they have refused to
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Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean, largest and deepest of the world's four oceans, covering more than a third of the earth's surface and containing more than half of its free water. It is sometimes divided into two nominal sections: the part north of the equator is called the North Pacific; the part south of the equator, the South Pacific. The name Pacific, which means peaceful, was given to it by the Portu
Text complet - 464 cuvinte


o8k3kv Among many things that characterise the human kind disposition, their capacity of loving is one of the most admired and appreciated. People seem to have a special propensity towards becoming attached to almost everything they make contact with. Therefore, it would be abnormal for human beings not to be extremely fond of the place they were born in. This kind of love is called pa
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I INTRODUCTION d7z3zr Peru, country in west central South America, bounded on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil and Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The area of Peru, including several offshore islands, is 1,280,000 sq km (494,210 sq mi), making it third in size (after Brazil and Argentina) of South American countries. Lima is
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Situated in the south -; eastern Romania, having a population of over 250,000 inhabitants, Ploiesti is one of Romania’s most important cities, on the second place after Bucharest as for the industrial production. y5l18lr At a 60 km distance from Bucharest, crossed by the 26° meridian and the 44° 55’ parallel, Ploiesti is the petroleum industrial citadel.
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It is said that school is sometimes the grave of originality. e3k4kq Of course, it is the grave of OUR originality, which is taken away from us. The institution that is supposed to develope our intelligence and imagination only succeds to inhibit us by transforming our originality in its own. Too bad, that our good ideas are converted into bad actions against the school's inhabitan
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Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

m7m20mn I INTRODUCTION Elizabeth I, queen of England and Ireland (1558-1603), daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth was the longest-reigning English monarch in nearly two centuries and the first woman to successfully occupy the English throne. Called Glorianna and Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth enjoyed enormous popularity during her life and beca
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Reggae r9o23ob

Style of popular music that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s and quickly emerged as the country's dominant music. By the 1970s it had become an international style that was particularly popular in Britain, the United States, and Africa. It was widely perceived as a voice of the oppressed. According to an early definition in The Dictionary of Jamaican English (1980), reggae is b
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Religion is the opium of the mass

f6g18gr History has shown people that no matter how hard they try they can rarely create anything ever-lasting. Generally materialistic creations such as castles and churches have proved themselves to be in perman of being taken care of. Nevertheless, the spiritual values that every generation, without any geographical discrimination, has inherited from its predecessors are
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Republic of South Africa

Republic of South Africa southernmost country in Africa, bordered on the north by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland; on the east and south by the Indian Ocean; and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Lesotho forms an enclave in the northeastern part of the country. r7b22bf South Africa has a diverse and dramatic landscape. Most of the interior is covered by high plat
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