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Stonehenge itself remains a steadfast observer of the world, watching the seasons change from summer to fall to winter to spring and back again thousands of times over. But it also bears witness to movements in the heavens, observing the rhythm of the Moon and, more noticeably, the Sun. o5t20tz For most parts of the year, the sunrise can't even be seen from the centre of the monument.
Text complet - 1638 cuvinte


1. TIPURI 1. Comune c6n13nx 2. Proprii 3. Partitive 4. Colective 2. GENUL 1. Masculin 2. Feminin 3. Comun (dual): guest (vizitator), parent (parinte), passenger (pasager) 4. Neutru pentru obiecte, idei Distinctia feminin-masculin se poate face: 1) prin cuvinte diferite boy -; girl 2) prin adaugarea de sufixe la forma de masculin: a)-;ess actor -; actress b)-;ine hero -; h
Text complet - 793 cuvinte


Tennis, game played with a racket and a ball by two (as in singles) or four (as in doubles) competitors, on a rectangular court with a net strung between the midpoints of the longer sides of the court. Tennis may be played indoors or outdoors. The game ranks as one of the most popular spectator and participation sports in the world, with fans and competitors in more than 100 coun
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z1m10mt The events of 1773 and 1774 had culminated in a revolutionary crisis. And the events of 1775 were to determine weather the differences between England and the colonies would be compromised or fought out on the battlefield. In 1774, the colonists gave an ominous hint that it might be too late for compromise when they organized extra-legal provincial congresses to act as state go
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The four Beatles were -; John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Stars. They were all born in Liverpool. John, Paul and George knew each other at school and played togheter in a guitar-based rock band called: „The Quarrymen in 1959. They were in their late teens. Ringo Starr didn`t join the group until 1962, after Stuart Sutcliffe, „the fifth Beatle
Text complet - 364 cuvinte

The Beauties of Romania - compunere engleza - frumusetile Romaniei

Wishing to gather in a unifary volume, more vastly structured then the two published booklets "Tales of Protected Flowers and Animals" (1994-1995), I also included "Natural Monuments" (Reservations, National Parks) from the beautiful Romanian landscapes, from the mountains to the plains and the main rivers. To instruct and educate the children to reco
Text complet - 274 cuvinte

The EIFFEL Miracle

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the biggest architect of all time, was born in December 15, 1832 in the city of Dijon. After graduating the Chemistry University in Paris, he worked for a company which produced railway equipment, which encouraged him to give up chemistry for civil engineering. When he was almost 25 years old he was charged with the construction of a bridge over the river Garonn
Text complet - 477 cuvinte

The European flag

g6u7uj This is the European flag. It is the symbol not only of the European Union but also of Europe's unity and identity in a wider sense. The circle of gold stars represents solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe. The number of stars has nothing to do with the number of Member States. There are twelve stars because the number twelve is traditionally the symbol of perfect
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The Great Schism

q3k15kv (Old and New Rome) 800-1204 The Great Schism is one of the most important events in the history of the Church, and lead to the split between Eastern and Western Christianity. Its causes are not simple, as some historians have stated. To understand these causes we have to go back in time, many centuries before its completion. First of all we should consider the st
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The Seven wonders of the world

p9o9ou ________________________________________ A gigantic stone structure near the ancient city of Memphis, serving as a tomb for the Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu The Great Pyramid of Giza ________________________________________ A palace with legendary gardens built on the banks of the Euphrates river by King Nebuchadnezzar II The Hanging Gardens of Babylon ____________
Text complet - 183 cuvinte


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