1930 critic si istoric literar literary critic and historian
Junimismul, 1966; Samanatorismul, 1970; Junimea si junimismul, 1975; Curentul
literar de la "Contemporanul"; 1977; Viata lui C. Dobrogeanu-Gherea,
1981; Opera lui C. Dobrogeanu-Gherea, 1982; Viata lui Titu Maiorescu, I-II,
1986; Interpretari, 1988; Viata lui C. Stere, I-II, 1989-1991; Intelesuri,
1994; Anii treizeci. Extrema dreapta romaneasca, 1995; Portrete, 1999;
Polifonii, Editura Polirom, 2001
The Spirit of Junimea, 1966; The Spirit of the Samanatorul Movement, 1970; The
Literary Current of the "Contemporanul" Review, 1977; The Life of
C. Dobrogeanu-Gherea, 1981; The Work of C. Dobrogeanu-Gherea, 1982; The Life
of Titu Maiorescu, I-II, 1986; Interpretations, 1988; The Life of C. Stere,
I-II, 1989-1991; Meanings, 1994; The 30s. The Romanian Far Right, 1995; Portraits,
Preocupat indeosebi de studiul curentelor, al miscarilor de idei literare,
Z. Ornea este, in critica noastra, un exponent activ al orientarii sociologice
pe care doreste s-o ilustreze in spiritul actiunii purtate in critica
franceza de un Lucien Goldmann. Metoda criticului e de a stabili intai
tendinta social-istorica fundamentala, dupa care isi dezvolta consideratiile
asupra obiectului propriu-zis al explorarii. (Gabriel Dimisianu)
Mostly preoccupied with the study of currents, of the movement of literary ideas,
Z. Ornea is in the Romanian criticism an active mouthpiece of the sociological
orientation, which he wishes to illustrate in the spirit of the action taken
in the French criticism by Lucien Goldmann. The critic's method is to first
establish the historical-social fundamental tendency, and then to develop his
considerations on the actual object of his exploration. (Gabriel Dimisianu)