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Andrei Codrescu
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1946 poet, prozator si eseist poet, prose writer and essayist

Raised by Puppets Only to Be Killed by Research, 1987; Craving for Swan, 1988; Comrade Past and Mister Present, 1991; Belligerence, 1993; Road Scholar: Coast to Coast Late in the Century, 1993; Domnul Teste in America, Editura Dacia, 1993; The Repentance of Lorraine, 1994; Zombification: Essays from NPR, 1995; The Muse is Always Half-dressed in New Orleans and other essays, 1995; Disparitia lui "Afara": un manifest al evadarii, Editura Univers, 1995; The Dog With the Chip in His Neck: Essays from NPR and Elsewhere, 1996; Gaura din steag, Editura Univers, 1997; Contesa sangeroasa, Editura Univers, 1997; Alien Candor / Candoare straina, poeme alese 1970-1996, Editura Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1997; Hail Babylon! Looking for the American City at the End of the Millenium, essays, 1998; A Bar in Brooklyn, 1999; Ay, Cuba! A Socio-Erotic Journey, essays, 1999; Mesia, Ed. F.C.R., 2000; The Devil Never Sleeps & Other Essays, 2000; Poezii alese (editie bilingva), Editura Paralela 45, 2000

Lucian Blaga, At the Court of Yearning atraducerei

Raised by Puppets Only to Be Killed by Research, 1987; Craving for Swan, 1988; Comrade Past and Mister Present, 1991; The Hole in the Flag, 1991; Belligerence, 1993; Road Scholar: Coast to Coast Late in the Century, 1993; The Repentance of Lorraine, 1994; Zombification: Essays from NPR, 1995; The Muse is Always Half-dressed in New Orleans and other essays, 1995; The Disappearance of "Abroad": A Manifesto of Escape, 1995; Alien Candor. Selected Poems, 1970-1995, 1996; The Blood Countess, 1996; The Dog With the Chip in His Neck: Essays from NPR and Elsewhere, 1996; Hail Babylon! Looking for the American City at the End of the Millenium, essays, 1998; A Bar in Brooklyn, 1999; Ay, Cuba! A Socio-Erotic Journey, essays, 1999; Messiah, 1999; The Devil Never Sleeps and Other Essays, 2000; Selected Poetry, Paralela 45 Publishing House, Pitesti, 2000

Lucian Blaga, At the Court of Yearning atranslationi

Cine cunoaste opera lui Andrei Codrescu stie ca acest manuitor de exceptie al limbii engleze este, la ora actuala, si mai mult decat orice scriitor de limba romana, continuatorul unei traditii inaugurate de Urmuz si Tzara si sporite de Ionesco, dar si descendentul poate cel mai autentic al paradoxalului Cioran. Avand la baza acest amestec exploziv, Andrei Codrescu ocoleste cu stralucire primejdia locului comun si a simplismului. (Ioan Petru Culianu)

Those who know the already impressive work of Andrei Codrescu are aware that this outstanding user of the English language is now mostly a Romanian-language writer, the continuator of a tradition going back to Urmuz and Tzara, and augmented by Ionesco, but perhaps, also the most authentic descendant of paradoxical Cioran. Based on this explosive mixture, Andrei Codrescu brilliantly steers clear of the danger of commonplace and simplicity. (Ioan Petru Culianu)

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