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Mircea Nedelciu | ||||||
m7u3uy 1950-1999 prozator si publicist prose writer and publicist
Cine citeste cu atentie nazdravanele, ingenioasele scenarii epice ale lui
Mircea Nedelciu observa ce povestitor talentat este acest autor si ca textualismul
sau este, in primul rand, un stil de a aduce in text un numar
mare de povestitori. O naratiune este, in fapt, o gala a indivizilor care
stiu sa povesteasca, iar personalitatea individului este data tot de capacitatea
lui de a povesti. (Eugen Simion) Whoever reads carefully Mircea Nedelciu's droll, ingenious scenarios will notice that the author is a very talented storyteller and that his textualism is essentially a manner of incorporating a large number of storytellers into the text. A narrative is in fact a gala of individuals who know how to tell a story, and the individual's personality itself is rendered by his capacity of recounting. (Eugen Simion) |
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