Poet, prozator si critic literar
Poet, prose writer and literary critic
Faruri, vitrine, fotografii, 1980; Aer cu diamante (culegere colectiva), 1982;
Poeme de amor, 1983; Totul, 1985; Visul, 1989; Levantul, 1990; Visul chimeric,
eseuri, 1992; Travesti, 1994; Orbitor-aripa stanga, 1996; Dublu CD, 1998;
Postmodernismul romanesc, 1999; Jurnal, Editura Humanitas, 2001
Headlights, Shop-windows, Photographs, 1980; Air with Diamonds (collective anthology),
1982; Love Poems 1983; Everything, 1985; The Dream, 1989; The Levant, 1990;
The Chimeric Dream, essays, 1992; In Disguise, 1994; Blinding-the Left Wing,
1996; Double CD, 1998; Romanian Postmodernism, 1999; Diary, Humanitas Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2001
Mircea Cartarescu este, indiscutabil, un poet al orasului si tara lui imaginara
se intinde de la Piata Obor la Universitate si la Aleea Circului. Este
inimaginabil cat de multe intamplari, lucruri, institutii,
drame, reverii pot intra in acest perimetru. O retina “elastica
si sensibila” le inregistreaza o data, de doua, de nouazeci si noua
de ori si le aduce intr-o confesiune care cunoaste toate starile lirice,
de la elegie la pamflet. Culoarea este un efect indirect al spectaculoasei acumulari
de lucruri. (Eugen Simion)
Mircea Cartarescu is undoubtedly an urban poet, and his imaginary land extends
from Obor Market to the University and Circus Lane. It is unimaginable how many
events, things, institutions, dramas, reveries can be accommodated in this perimeter.
An “elastic and sensitive” retina registers them once, twice, n
times and puts them on record, in a confession that spans all the lyrical moods,
from elegy to lampoon. Color is only an indirect effect of the spectacular accumulation
of things. (Eugen Simion)