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Marius Robescu | ||||||
k7o12ox 1943-1985 poet
Marius Robescu nu abandoneaza lirismul (cu tot ce se intelege prin acest
termen “depasit”), dar stie sa-l primeneasca actual, altoindu-i
acele minime elemente pentru a avea acces la “poemul adevarat” din
care “se invata mai mult decat sintaxa”; oricum, el
opereaza o reductie riguroasa a sintaxei atingand acea rarefiere a discursului
ce obliga la rostirea nuda a sintagmelor, fortand imaginatia cititorului
sa completeze golurile dintre cuvinte. (Mincu Mincu) Marius Robescu does not abandon lyricism (with everything that this “obsolete” term means), but he knows how to update it, adding those minimal elements in order to gain access to the “real poem” which “teaches more than syntax”; anyway, he rigorously reduces the syntax reaching a rarefied discourse which makes mandatory a naked uttering of the syntagms, making the reader's imagination fill up the empty spaces between words. (Mincu Mincu) |
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