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Horia Badescu | ||||||
u2h15hi 1943 poet, prozator, eseist si traducator poet,prose writer, essayist and translator
Gerard Bayo, Exod/Exode, 1987 atraducerei Gerard Bayo, Exodus, 1987 atranslationi Horia Badescu writes in the shadow of a great lyrical model, Blaga, a spiritualized poetry, obsessed with the rhythms and patterns of the universe. Objects, natural processes, small everyday gestures are related to great myths, while the poem attempts to catch the mysterious signs around, translating them into the language of secrecy, instead of decoding them. A poetics employed by almost all the members of the Equinox group... (Eugen Simion) Critica lui Badescu e comprehesiva, generoasa si atenta la nuante, cautand insa cu prioritate nota definitorie a operei cercetate ("viziunea mioritica" si universul "vegetal" in cazul Magdei Isanos). Mai conceptuala... e interpretarea consacrata lui Grigore Alexandrescu... Indrazneata cu adevarat e viziunea asupra baladei Mesterul Manole, considerata "o tragedie in esentialitatea sa simbolica si artistica, in spiritul sau, in trama sa, in personajele sale, in alcatuirea articulatiilor sale", a carei exegeza e intreprinsa de Badescu intr-o stransa confruntare cu conceptele tragediei... (Al. Cistelecan) |
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