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Bogdan Ghiu | ||||||
y6o7on 1958 poet
Bogdan Ghiu face parte din randurile acelor poeti contemporani care-si
supravegheaza actul poetic in stare nascanda. Poetul contempla lumea,
o aude prin golurile sau plinurile sale si transcrie relatiile intalnite
dintre cogito-ul sau si existenta. Marile liante tematice din Manualul autorului
se produc intre lumina si obiectele ce o umbresc, scriitura si tacere,
text si realitate, cuvinte si eul afectiv... (Romul Munteanu) Bogdan Ghiu belongs to a group of present-day poets who keep an eye on the nascent poetic act. The poet meditates on the world, hears fulness and emptiness and reproduces the relations discovered between his cogito and existence. The great connecting themes from The Author's Handbook occur between light and the objects that cast their shades on it, between writing and silence, text and reality, words and the emotional ego... (Romul Munteanu) |
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