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d4z7ze Join Join-ul este folosit cind o cerere SQL necesita date din mai multe tabele din baza de date. Liniile dintr-o tabela pot fi unite cu liniile din alta tabela in functie de valorile comune existente in coloanele corespunzatoare. Sint doua tipuri de conditie de join : Equi-join Pentru a determina angajatii din departamente, vom compara valorile din coloana DEPTNO a angajatului cu aceleasi valori din DEPTNO din tabela DEPT. Relatia dintre tabela EMP si DEPT este un equi-join, in care valorile din coloana DEPTNO din ambele tabele sint egale. (Operatorul de comparatie folosit este =.) O conditie de join este specificata in clauza WHERE: SELECT column(s) FROM tables WHERE join condition is ... Pentru a face join pe cele doua tabele EMP si DEPT, introducem: SELECT ENAME, JOB, DNAMEFROM EMP, DEPT WHERE EMP>DEPTNO + DEPT>DEPTNO; ENAME JOB DNAME ------- ------ ------- CLARK MANAGER ACCOUNTING MILLER CLERK ACCOUNTING KING PRESIDENT ACCOUNTING SMITH CLERK RESEARCH SCOTT ANALYST RESEARCH JONES MANAGER RESEARCH ADAMS CLERK RESEARCH FORD ANALYST RESEARCH ALLEN SALESMAN SALES BLAKE MANAGER SALES TURNER SALESMAN SALES JAMES CLERK SALES MARTIN SALESMAN SALES WARD SALESMAN SALES Aceasta necesitate este de asemenea aplicata coloanelor care pot fi ambigue in clauzele SELECT sau ORDER BY. Pentru a recunoaste diferentele dintre coloana DEPTNO din EMP si coloana DEPTNO din DEPT, introducem: SELECT DEPT.DEPTNO, ENAME, JOB, DNAME FROM EMP, DEPT WHERE EMP.DEPTNO = DEPT.DEPTNO ORDER BY DEPT.DEPTNO; DEPTNO ENAME JOB DNAME -------- ------- ------ ------- 10 CLARK MANAGER ACCOUNTING 10 MILLER CLERK ACCOUNTING 10 KING PRESIDENT ACCOUNTING 20 SMITH CLERK RESEARCH 20 SCOTT ANALYST RESEARCH 20 JONES MANAGER RESEARCH 20 ADAMS CLERK RESEARCH 20 FORD ANALYST RESEARCH 30 ALLEN SALESMAN SALES 30 BLAKE MANAGER SALES 30 TURNER SALESMAN SALES 30 JAMES CLERK SALES 30 MARTIN SALESMAN SALES 30 WARD SALESMAN SALES Observati ca fiecarui numar de departament din tabela DEPT i se face join pentru a se potrivi cu numerele de departament din tabela EMP.De exemplu, trei angajati lucreaza in departamentul 10 - Accounting - deci exista trei potri- viri.Prin urmare ACCOUNTING este afisat pentru fiecare angajat din acel depar- tament.Folosirea alias-urilor de tabela Alias-urile de tabela sint folosite in urmatorul context: SELECT E.ENAME, D.DEPTNO, D.DNAME FROM EMP E, DEPT D WHERE E.DEPTNO = D.DEPTNO ORDER BY D.DEPTNO; Alias-urile de tabele pot fi de lungime de maxim 30 de caractere, dar mai scurte sint mai bune.De asemenea incercati sa le faceti cit mai explicite.Daca un alias de tabela este folosit pentru un nume particular de tabela in clauza FROM, atunci acel alias trebuie sa fie substituit pentru numele tabelei in contextul din SELECT. Produs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |=======================================================================| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 05-MAR-84 3000 20 |--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |=======================================================================| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | ------------------------------- | | DEPTNO DNAME LOC | | ------------------------------- |--------| 10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK | |--------| 20 RESEARCH DALLAS | |--------| 30 SALES CHICAO | |--------| 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON | ------------------------------- In absenta unei conditii WHERE, fiecare linie din EMP este unita in ordine cu fiecare linie din DEPT.Se vor afisa 53 de linii. Produs Un produs tinde sa genereze un numar mare de linii si rezultatul sau este rar folosit.Trebuie intotdeauna inclusa o conditie de join intr-o clauza WHERE, in afara de cazul in care este necesara combinarea tuturor liniilor din toate tabelele. Non-Equi-Join Operatorul BETWEEN este folosit pentru a construi conditia, introducem: SELECT E.ENAME, E.SAL, S.GRADE FROM EMP E, SALGRADE S WHERE E.SAL BETWEEN S.LOSAL AND S.HISAL; ENAME SAL GRADE --------- ------- --------- SMITH 800.00 1 ADAMS 1,100.00 1 JAMES 950.00 1 WARD 1,250.00 2 MARTIN 1,250.00 2 MILLER 1,300.00 2 ALLEN 1,600.00 3 TURNER 1,500.00 3 JONES 2,975.00 4 BLAKE 2,850.00 4 CLARK 2,450.00 4 SCOTT 3,000.00 4 FORD 3,000.00 4 KING 5,000.00 5 Alti operatori cum ar fi <= si >= pot fi folositi, oricum BETWEEN este cel mai simplu.Nu uitati sa specificati mai intii valoarea minima si ultima va- loarea maxima cind folositi BETWEEN.Din nou sint folosite alias-uri de tabele, nu din cauza posibilelor ambiguitati, dar din motive de performanta.Reguli pentru join-ul tabelelor O regula simpla este: numarul minim de conditii de join = numarul de tabele - 1 Aceasta regula nu poate fi aplicata daca tabela are o cheie primara, care identifica in mod unic fiecare linie (cheile primare sint explicate mai tirziu in manual). Sintaxa SELECT aDISTINCTi Aatabelai.* | expresie aaliasi, ...SFROM tabela aaliasi, ... WHERE aconditie de joini ... AND aconditie de liniei ... OR aalta conditie de liniei GROUP BY Aexpresie | coloanaS HAVING Aconditie de grupS ORDER BY Aexpresie | coloanaS aASC | DESCi ObservatiiSe pot specifica conditii de join impreuna cu alte conditii (non join); De asemenea trebuie sa fiti atenti la precedenta operatorilor cind folo- siti predicatul OR. Exercitii - Join-uri simple Aceste exxercitii au intentia de a va capata experienta practica in extrage- rea datelor din mai mult decit o tabela si includ teme discutate in capitolele anterioare. Tema Afisati numele tuturor angajatilor si numele departamentului lor, in ordi- nea numelui departamentelor.ENAME DNAME -------- --------- CLARK ACCOUNTING MILLER ACCOUNTING KING ACCOUNTING SMITH RESEARCH SCOTT RESEARCH JONES RESEARCH ADAMS RESEARCH FORD RESEARCH ALLEN SALES BLAKE SALES TURNER SALES JAMES SALES MARTIN SALES WARD SALES Vor fi selectate 14 inregistrari. Afisati numele tuturor angajatilor, numarul si numele departamentului.ENAME DEPTNO DNAME -------- --------- --------- CLARK 10 ACCOUNTING MILLER 10 ACCOUNTING KING 10 ACCOUNTING SMITH 20 RESEARCH SCOTT 20 RESEARCH JONES 20 RESEARCH ADAMS 20 RESEARCH FORD 20 RESEARCH ALLEN 30 SALES BLAKE 30 SALES TURNER 30 SALES JAMES 30 SALES MARTIN 30 SALES WARD 30 SALES Vor fi selectate 14 inregistrari. Afisati numele, localitatea si departamentul angajatilor al caror salariu lunar este mai mare ca 1500. ENAME LOCATION DNAME -------- ---------- --------- CLARK NEW YORK ACCOUNTING KING NEW YORK ACCOUNTING JONES DALLAS RESEARCH FORD DALLAS RESEARCH SCOTT DALLAS RESEARCH ALLEN CHICAGO SALES BLAKE CHICAGO SALES Vor fi selectate 7 inregistrari. Afisati lista salariilor, gradatiilor angajatilor.ENAME JOB SAL GRADE ---------- ------- ------- ---------- SMITH CLERK 800.00 1 ADAMS CLERK 1,100.00 1 JAMES CLERK 950.00 1 WARD SALESMAN 1,250.00 2 MARTIN SALESMAN 1,250.00 2 MILLER CLERK 1,300.00 2 ALLEN SALESMAN 1,600.00 3 TURNER SALESMAN 1,500.00 3 JONES MANAGER 2,975.00 4 BLAKE MANAGER 2,850.00 4 CLARK MANAGER 2,450.00 4 SCOTT ANALYST 3,000.00 4 FORD ANALYST 3,000.00 4 KING PRESIDENT 5,000.00 5 Listati doar angajatii cu gradatia 3.ENAME JOB SAL GRADE ---------- ------- ------- ---------- ALLEN SALESMAN 1,600.00 3 TURNER SALESMAN 1,500.00 3 Listati toti angajatii din Dallas.ENAME SAL LOCATION ---------- ------- ---------- SMITH 800.00 DALLAS SCOTT 3,000.00 DALLAS JONES 2,975.00 DALLAS ADAMS 1,100.00 DALLAS FORD 3,000.00 DALLAS Alte exercitii daca aveti timp: Afisati numele angajatilor, functia, salariul, gradatia si numele departa- mentului pentru toti angajatii din companie in afara de functionari.Sortati dupa salariu, afisind mai intii salariul cel mai mare.ENAME JOB SAL GRADE DNAME -------- --------- -------- --------- --------- KING PRESIDENT 5,000.00 5 ACCOUNTING FORD ANALYST 3,000.00 4 RESEARCH SCOTT ANALYST 3,000.00 4 RESEARCH JONES MANAGER 2,975.00 4 RESEARCH BLAKE MANAGER 2,850.00 4 SALES CLARK MANAGER 2,450.00 4 ACCOUNTING ALLEN SALESMAN 1,600.00 3 SALES TURNER SALESMAN 1,500.00 3 SALES MARTIN SALESMAN 1,250.00 2 SALES WARD SALESMAN 1,250.00 2 SALES Vor fi selectate 10 inregistrari. Afisati urmatoarele detalii pentru angajatii care cistiga 36000$ pe an sau care sint functionari.ENAME JOB ANNUAL_SAL DEPTNO DNAME GRADE --------- ------- -------------- --------- --------- -------- FORD ANALYST 36000 20 RESEARCH 4 SCOTT ANALYST 36000 20 RESEARCH 4 MILLER CLERK 15600 10 ACCOUNTING 2 JAMES CLERK 11400 30 SALES 1 ADAMS CLERK 13200 20 RESEARCH 1 SMITH CLERK 9600 20 RESEARCH 1 Vor fi selectate 6 inregistrari. SolutiiSELECT ENAME, DNAME FROM EMP, DEPT WHERE EMP.DEPTNO = DEPT.DEPTNO; SELECT ENAME, E.DEPTNO, DNAME FROM EMP E, DEPT D WHERE E.DEPTNO = D.DEPTNO; SELECT ENAME, LOC LOCATION, DNAME FROM EMP, DEPT WHERE EMP.DEPTNO = DEPT.DEPTNO AND SAL > 1500; SELECT ENAME, JOB, SAL, GRADE FROM EMP, SALGRADE WHERE SAL BETWEEN LOSAL AND HISAL; SELECT ENAME, JOB, SAL, GRADE FROM EMP, SALGRADE WHERE SAL BETWEEN LOSAL AND HISAL AND GRADE = 3; SELECT ENAME, SAL, LOC LOCATION FROM EMP, DEPT WHERE EMP.DEPTNO = DEPT.DEPTNO AND LOC = 'DALLAS'; SELECT ENAME, JOB, SAL, GRADE, DNAME FROM EMP, SALGRADE, DEPT WHERE EMP.DEPTNO = DEPT.DEPTNO AND SAL BETWEEN LOSAL AND HISAL AND JOB != 'CLERK' ORDER BY SAL DESC; SELECT ENAME, JOB, SAL * 12 ANNUAL_SAL, D.DEPTNO, DNAME, GRADE FROM EMP E, SALGRADE, DEPT D WHERE E.DEPTNO = D.DEPTNO AND SAL BETWEEN LOSAL AND HISAL AND (SAL * 12 + NVL(COMM, 0) = 3600 OR E.JOB = 'CLERK') ORDER BY E.JOB; |
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