Sistemul de comunicatii VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) se bazeaza pe tehnologia
wireless satellite. Este format dintr-o statie terestra satelit „mica”
si o antena tipica cu diametrul de 1.8 m.
O retea VSAT are trei componente:
1. Statie terestra principala (master earth station) -; centrul de control
al retelei. Aici are loc configurarea, monitorizarea si intretinerea retelei.
Statia are o antena de 6 m, sistem de alimentare de rezerva, sistem de aer conditionat
si este supravegheata 24x7 de un operator uman.
2. Statie terestra secundara (remote earth station) -; echipamentul instalat
la locatia clientului. l8o22ok
* unitate de exterior ODU (outdoor unit) -; antena standard 1.8 m (offset
feed antenna), un amplificator SSPA (solid state), un amplificator cu zgomot
mic (LNA low noise amplifier) si un horn (feedhorn).
* unitatea de interior IDU (indoor unit) -; echipamentul electronic de
comunicatie, inclusiv interfata cu echipamentul utilizatorului (pc, telefon).
* interfacility link IFL -; cabluri coaxiale ce fac legatura dintre IDU
si ODU.
3. Satelitul ! -; Toate semnalele trimise intre statiile terestre
VSAT sunt transmise prin satelit. Sistemul VSAT foloseste un satelit geostationar
ce orbiteaza la 36,000 km deasupra Pamantului.
Taking the USA as an example, approximately half of all installed VSATs are
only used for one way data links.
ETSI ( "European Telecommunications Standards Institute") takes a
different definition for a VSAT as a one or two-way terminal used in a star,
mesh or point to point network. Antenna size is restricted to being less than
or equal to 3.8 m at Ku band and 7.8 m at C band.
As terminal technology advances, the size of the antenna required to achieve
a particular link quality (bit error rate) decreases. A class of terminals smaller
than VSATs is now available; these are termed Ultra Small Aperture Terminals
(USATs). For most practical purposes, USATs are just VSATs with smaller antennas.
It must always be remembered, however, that as antenna size decreases, the antenna
beam widens and that a point is rapidly reached when there is no further advantage
in decreasing antenna size because of increased interference with other systems.
The practical current lower limit on antenna size is 55 cm diameter.
Overview of Technology
The most common VSAT configuration is the TDM/TDMA star network. These have
a high bit rate outbound carrier (TDM) from the hub to the remote earth stations,
and one or more low or medium bit rate Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
inbound carriers. With its star configuration network architecture, interactive
VSAT technology is appropriate for any organisation with centralised management
and data processing. The use of a single high performance hub allows the use
of low cost remote VSAT terminals and optimises use of satellite capacity. Even
so, in most VSAT networks, the cost of the VSAT terminals usually far exceeds
the cost of the hub (typically a VSAT terminal is 0.1 to 0.2% of the price of
the hub). In a typical VSAT network, remote user sites have a number of personal
computers, dumb terminals and printers connected to the VSAT terminal which
connects them to a centralised host computer either at the organisation's head
office or data processing centre. Data sent to the VSAT terminal from the DTEs
is buffered and transmitted to the hub in packets.
The principle characteristics of an interactive VSAT network are:
Remote user sites have several low bit rate data terminal equipments (DTEs)
operating at 1.2 to 9.6 kb/s. These are connected through the VSAT network to
a centralised host processor. The DTEs are connected to the host through an
X.25 Packet Assembler/Dissembler (PAD) or through a conventional or statistical
multiplexer which concentrates the traffic. The amount of data transferred in
each transaction is relatively small, typically between 300 and 105 bits. Interactive
VSATs are not usually used for batch file transfer (107 to 1011 bits per transaction)
unless the transmission plan is specifically designed to carry large files.
Each VSAT terminal only operates with a low duty cycle, i.e. with only a relatively
small number of transactions in the peak busy hour compared to the total available
capacity. A large number of VSAT terminals (10 to 10000) share the same communications
link using random access. Connections between remote VSAT terminals require
a double hop through the hub and are rarely used.
VSAT networks are designed to be flexible and to evolve with user needs. VSAT
terminals are controlled by microprocessors and can generally be reprogrammed
remotely using downloaded software from the hub. If additional interfaces or
capacity are required this can usually be provided by adding or replacing cards
in the VSAT terminal.
Three different transmission schemes are used for interactive hubbed VSAT networks:
Demand Assigned SCPC
Of these TDM/TDMA is by far the dominant technique with only CDMA being used
to a small extent. Demand assigned SCPC has been virtually abandoned as a transmission
scheme for the present.
It is also common for VSAT systems to support one-way TV transmission from the
host to the remote stations.
Two-way, 2 Mb/s transmissions can also be supported by some VSAT systems.
Shared Hub Networks
To make VSAT networks more affordable it is possible to share the hub between
several users, thereby spreading the cost. In this case the hub is usually owned
by a service provider who retains overall control of the network and who manages
the hub itself.Each user, however, is allocated his own time slots or carriers
and can so operate his own private network using the shared hub facility without
any loss of privacy. The operation and management of these subnetworks is performed
by the users themselves completely independently of the service supplier.
VSAT Shared Hub Network Configuration
VSAT Mini-Hub Network Configuration
TDM/TDMA Interactive VSAT Networks
All the established interactive hubbed VSAT systems use TDM/TDMA access as the
primary access technique (TDM on the outbounds and TDMA on the inbounds).
Network Configuration
Signal Types and Characteristics
The outbound data stream from the hub is transmitted at a relatively high data
rate (typically 56 to 1024 kb/s) using TDM. The bit stream consists of a synchronisation
word followed by a series of messages in time slots directed towards individual
VSAT terminals. Broadcast messages to all remote VSAT terminals are also generally
Outbounds are transmitted continuously (i.e. duty cycle 100%) as a TDM stream.
The number of outbounds per network is determined by the traffic statistics,
packet length as well as the outbound data rate.
The outbounds for a network are generally grouped together at either the top
or the bottom of the leased bandwidth.
The inbound carrier is often accessed using ALOHA or Slotted ALOHA. If a higher
capacity is required, a separate channel can be dedicated to ALOHA or Slotted
ALOHA access requests and a demand assigned TDMA access scheme established.
Inbound slotted ALOHA carriers information rates are usually between 2.4 and
16 kb/s. Inbound TDMA or SCPC carriers used for file transfer usually have information
data rates between 56 kb/s and 256 kb/s. All carriers are BPSK or QPSK modulated
and have rate 1/2 or 2/3 Forward Error Correction (FEC). This ensures that bit
error rates are low (typically 10-6 or 10-7 which is comparable to ISDN).
Remote terminals transmit in TDMA bursts in either a pre-assigned inbound channel
slot or in any inbound channel slot depending on the manufacturer.
Several different inbound TDMA access systems are used depending on traffic
characteristics and the manufacturer.
In a shared hub network, individual customers are often, but not always, allocated
one or more dedicated outbounds and several inbounds.
If the traffic mix is a combination of short interactive messages and long file
transfers it is often worthwhile to use a technique called Adaptive ALOHA/TDMA.
VSATs which have large blocks of data to transmit request dedicated TDMA time
slots and use TDMA. The other VSAT terminals in the network use slotted ALOHA
and avoid the assigned time slots. Alternatively, dedicated SCPC carriers can
be temporarily assigned for file transfer.
Typical Interactive Hubbed VSAT Network Spectrum
Typical Interactive Hubbed VSAT Frame and Packet Format
Each TDM outbound carries a continuously transmitted bitstream which is divided
into frames.
The start of a frame is denoted by a framing packet contain a unique word (UW)
and a control word (CNTRL) which, together, provide framing, timing and control
The rest of the frame is filled by (generally) fixed length data packets which
each contain:
F preamble
HDR header - giving IDU address and control information
FCS frame check sequence
F postamble
Outbound data packets typically contain between 50 and 250 bytes in transactional
Each TDMA inbound contains frames which are synchronised to the outbound frames.
Each inbound frame is divided into slots. Individual IDUs transmit in these
slots in a manner depending on the access modes available to the particular
system and how the network has been set up.
Each inbound packet consists of:
F preamble
HDR header - giving IDU address and control information
FCS frame check sequence
F postamble
Inbound data packets typically contain between 50 and 250 bytes in transactional
The main inbound transmission modes used are:
Aloha, in which an IDU can transmit data packets at any time in a particular
inbound frequency slot. Transmissions in any particular frequency slot are intermittent
with a peak traffic duty cycle of 10 to 15%.
Slotted Aloha, in which an IDU can transmit data packets in any slot (or any
of a predetermined number of slots) in a particular inbound frequency slot.
Transmissions in any particular frequency slot are intermittent with a peak
traffic duty cycle of 25 to 30%.
Fixed Assignment, in which specific time slots in an inbound frequency slot
are permanently, or for the duration of a particular transmission, assigned
to a particular IDU. This is often used for batch transmission and for telephony.
Transmissions in any particular frequency slot are intermittent but can have
a peak traffic duty cycle of 100% if that particular inbound is carrying telephony
traffic or several batch file transfers from different IDUs.
Dynamic Assignment, in which time slots in an inbound frequency slot are dynamically
assigned to a particular IDU in line with ongoing traffic demands. Transmissions
in any particular frequency slot are intermittent with a peak traffic duty cycle
of from 25 to 30% to approaching 100%, depending on the traffic mix.
Most interactive hubbed VSATs now have protocol stacks which map, at least notionally,
onto the OSI stack.
Network layer spoofing is provided by many VSATs to minimise the impact of the
data layer protocol and, particularly, the satellite transmission delay, on
the throughput of the satellite link.
TDM/TDMA Connection Set Up
When the network is established, or when additional remote terminals are added
to the network, remote terminal addresses and characteristics (i.e. card fits
and port addresses) are entered into a network database which is used as a routing
table by the operational system. This database establishes permanent virtual
circuits between ports at the user interface of the hub and the ports at the
user interfaces of the remote terminals. In those products which permit the
dedication of the assignment of capacity on request, or dynamic variable assignment,
the database also establishes permanent virtual circuits between the IDU controllers
at the remote terminals and the NCC.
This arrangement allows the normal transactional traffic carried by the network
to be switched without an individual call set up procedure.
A packet sent by a particular IDU carries addressing information identifying
both the source and destination. This allows the hub switch to route the packet
to the correct user interface port without additional signalling traffic.
This same procedure is used for intra network signalling to set up assignments
for the temporary or permanent assignment of channels to a particular IDU port/hub
port pair (for example, telephony or batch data transfers). Call set up information
is sent as a transactional data packet as described above, except that the destination
address at the hub is the NCC.