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My Hobby
Colt dreapta
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Hobby’s are a way for people to develop new skills and relaxing. They are also good for forgetting all of your problems. Many people say that they have a hobby, but they don’t even know what a hobby is. f6f24fg
My hobby is riding my bike. Because it is an outdoor pastime I can do it only in the summer. My bike isn’t new or very modern and it doesn’t have any up to date gizmos, it just has the absolute necessary: two wheels, a frame, handlebars, two pedals, eighteen speeds, brakes, and of course a chair. Although it isn’t made for tricks, I try do some but because I’m not very strong I can’t do many tricks. I usually do this in the day time, because it’s not safe to do it in the evening.
I ride with my friends. They also have bicycles. When we are bored with our bikes we change them between our selves. We also make races and compete in doing tricks.

I keep my bike in the garage, like many of my friends. I wouldn’t like to keep it in my flat because I live on the third floor and I would have to drag it from the third floor down and up all day.
The street where I live isn’t very crowded, so that we can ride almost undisturbed.
This hobby does provide some form of health but not for all the body like fitness or other body building techniques.
All in all I think that this isn’t an expensive hobby and I would recommend it to most.

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