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If I had the power, I’d stop people taking drugs
Colt dreapta
Vizite: ? Nota: ? Ce reprezinta? Intrebari si raspunsuri

Part one

Why drugs are bad for you

_ Drugs harm the organism r4g24gl
_ People can do really dangerous things that could hurt them or other people, when they use drugs.
_ Because of drugs, people can’t think clearly
_ Drugs can kill people

Part two

Why people take drugs

_ People try drugs because they're curious.
_ Some think drugs can help them forget their problems.
_ They think drugs will make them cool
_ Teenagers, see older kids using them and want to be more like them

Part three

What I would do to stop people from taking drugs

_ I would gather all the drugs in the world, and the materials from which they are made of, and destroy them.

_ I would make drugs cause people dizziness, so they will stop taking them.
_ I would convince people to stop buying them, so the price will get so low and others will stop selling them.

Colt dreapta
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