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Timpul Forma Cum se formeaza Mentiuni d6y9yu
The present tensesimple Aff.Neg.Int. S + vb(prima forma)S + don’t/doesn’t + vb(prima forma)Do/Does + s + vb (prima forma ____________________
Ex:I always go to school every day.
The present tensecontinous Aff.Neg.Int. S + to be + vb-ingS + to be (negativ) + vb-ingTo be + s + vb-ing ____________________
Ex:I am going to the school now.
The future tensesimple Aff.Neg.Int. S + shall/will + vb(short inf)S + shan’t/won’t + vb(sh.inf) Shall/Will + S + vb(sh.inf.) Tomorrow, the day after tomorrownext year , next month.
Ex: I will go to my parents next month.
The future tensecontinous Aff.Neg.Int. S + shall/will + be + vb-ing S+shan’t/willn’t + be + vb-ingShall/will + S + be + vb-ing Exprima o actiune viitoare in desfasurare intr-un viitor.
Ex: They will be watching T.V. this time in week-end.
The past tensesimple Aff.Neg.Int. S + vb-ed(VB REGULATE)S + vb(a doua coloana) S + didn’t + sh. Int)Did + S + vb( Exprima o actiune care s-a desfasurat si s-a incheiat intr-un moment trecut precizat (adv.timp):the day befor yesterday, last year.
Ex: I played football last year.
The past tensecontinous Aff.Neg.Int. S + was/wer + vb-ingS + wasn’t/weren’t + vb-ingWas/Were + vb-ing Exprima o actiune trecuta in desfasurare : ,,this time yesterday’’Arata doua actiuni in desfasurare simultan.
Ex: While my brother was plaing football , I was listening the radio.
The past perfecttense simple Aff.Neg.Int. S + had + vb(a-3-a forma)/edS + hadn’t + vb(a-3-a forma)/ed Had + s + vb(a-3-a forma) Exprima o actiune care a avut loc si s-a petrecut inaintea unui alt timp trecut.

Ex:I had come home before my mother arrived from office.

The past perfecttense continous Aff.Neg.Int. S + had + been + vb-ingS + hadn’t + been + vb-ingHad + s + been + vb-ing Exprima o actiune care s-a desfasurat continuu pe o perioada de timp si s-a incheiat inaintea unui alt timp.
Ex:I had been writing a letter for 20 minutes.
The present perfect tense simple Aff.Neg.Int. S + have/has + vb(a-3-a forma)S + haven’t/hasn’t + vb(a-3-a forma)/edHave/Has + s + vb(a-3-a forma)/ed 1)Exprima o actiune ce a avut loc si s-a incheiat intr-un moment trecut care nu este precizat; rezultatele acestei actiuni se pot vedea in prezent.2)Exprima o actiune care s-a incheiat recent.3)Exprima o actiune trecuta care a avut loc intr-un moment trecut ce face parte dintr-o perioada de timp care nu s-a incheiat inca.4)Se foloseste cu adverbele de frecventa : always , sometime offen .5)Exprima o actiune care tocmai s-a incheiat : ‚,just’’6)In propozitiile interogative se foloseste adverbul ,,already”pentru a arata uimirea vorbitorului.
Ex: 1) People have polueted the planet. 2) I have just done my homework. 3)My parents have alwais enjoi to country.
The present perfect tense continous Aff.Neg.Int. S + have/has + been + vb-ingS + haven’t/hasn’t + been + vb-ingHave/Has + s + been + vb-ing Exprima o actiune care a inceput in trecut si continua in prezent.
Ex:The boys have been plaing football for ten minutes.

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