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Colt dreapta
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Numeralul cardinal

1 one 28 twenty-eight q7n17nf
2 two 29 twenty-nine
3 three 30 thirty
4 four 40 forty
5 five 50 fifty
6 six 60 sixty
7 seven 70 seventy
8 eight 80 eighty
9 nine 90 ninety
10 ten 100 one hundred
11 eleven 101 one hundred and one
12 twelve 105 one hundred and five
13 thirteen 125 one hundred and twenty-five
14 fourteen 200 two hundred
15 fifteen 201 two hundred and one
16 sixteen 1,000 one thousand
17 seventeen 1,001 one thousand and one
18 eighteen 1,246 one thousand two hundred and forty-six
19 nineteen 2,010 two thousand and ten
20 twenty 10,000 ten thousand
21 twenty-one 100,000 one hundred thousand
22 twenty-two 300,000 three hundred thousand
23 twenty-three 1,000,000 one million
24 twenty-four 5,000,000 five million
25 twenty-five 1,000,000,000 one billion
26 twenty-six
27 twenty-seven

- numeralele mai sus de 999 se scriu cu , pentru a imparti cifrele in grupuri de 3: 2,159. pentru a desemna fractii, se foloseste ., deci contrar sistemului romanesc de notare a numeralelor.
- cuvintele hundred, thousand, million si dozen nu se folosesc la plural atunci cand sunt precedate de un cantitativ si urmate de un substantiv: two hundred years, several hundred thousand, etc.

Exprimarea orei

1:00=It’s one o’clock.
1:15=It’s a quarter past one.
2:30=It’s half past two.
4:10=It’s ten past four.
9:45=It’s a quarter to ten.
11:50=It’s ten to twelve.

Numeralul ordinal

Primul = the first =1st Al 13-lea = the thirteenth = 13th al 2-lea = the second = 2nd Al 14-lea = the fourteenth = 14th al 3-lea = the third =3rd Al 15-lea = the fifteenth = 15th al 4-lea = the fourth = 4th Al 20-lea = the twentieth = 20th al 5-lea = the fifth = 5th Al 21-lea = the twenty-first = 21st al 6-lea = the sixth = 6th Al 22-lea = the twenty-second = 22nd al 7-lea = the seventh = 7th Al 23-lea = the twenty-third = 23rd al 8-lea = the eighth = 8th Al 30-lea = the thirtieth = 30th al 9-lea = he ninth = 9th Al 90-lea = the ninetieth = 90th al 10-lea = the tenth =10th Al 100-lea = the hundredth = 100th al 11-lea = the eleventh = 11th Al 1000-lea = the thousandth = 1000th al 12-lea = the twelfth =12th Al 10000-lea = the ten thousandth = 10,000th

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