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OCDE - Prezentare generala | ||||||
OCDE reprezinta forumul international de dezbatere a politicilor economice
si sociale la nivel global, o asociatie apolitica a tarilor cel mai bine dezvoltate
din punct de vedere economic avand drept misiune construirea unei economii
puternice in statele membre, imbunatatirea eficientei, perfectarea
sistemelor de piata, extinderea comertului liber si contributia la dezvoltarea
economica. e8k19kl existenta unei economii de piata si a unei democratii (like-mindedness); dimensiunea si importanta economica a unui stat (significant player); principiul beneficial reciproc prin care aderarea unui nou stat sa fie benefica
atat pentru statul respectiv cat si pentru OCDE (mutual benefit);
consideratii globale, nu neaparat limitat la diversitatea geografica. 1. Grupul de lucru al Comitetului pentru Constructii Navale, cu statut de observator;
1. Participarea, cu statut de observator, in cadrul Comitetului pentru
Concurenta; In contrast to many other international organisations, becoming a member of the OECD is not an automatic process. The Member countries of the Organisation, meeting in its governing body (the Council), decide whether a country should be invited to join the OECD and on what conditions. This decision is taken at the end of what might be called "the accession process". What does this process involve? The process begins when the Council decides to invite a country to engage in discussions with a view to joining the Organisation. The Council determines the procedure to be followed and asks the appropriate Committees to examine the country's policies and regulations to ensure that it is ready to assume the responsibilities of OECD membership. Each country must have demonstrated its attachment to the basic values shared by all OECD members: an open market economy, democratic pluralism and respect for human rights. The applicant country must also state its position vis-a-vis the OECD "legal instruments" (meaning the Decisions, Recommendations and Declarations adopted within the framework of the Organisation). In other words, it has to show both the will and the ability to adopt the main principles of the Organisation, as well as the legal and political obligations that result therefrom. These "instruments" -- more than 160 in all -- are grouped by sector and the country's position in each sector is examined by a Committee, or by the Secretariat when no Committee has been appointed to this task.Countries are entitled to make reservations regarding "instruments" (or parts of instruments) that they are unable or unwilling to apply. These reservations are submitted to the relevant Committee which discusses them until a consensus on their application is reached. This can sometimes be a time-consuming process. While many OECD Committees are involved in this process, the CMIT (Committee on Capital Movements and Invisible Transactions) and the CIME (Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises) play a fundamental role. They jointly examine how the reviewed country would implement the "Codes" (the Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements and the Code of Liberalisation of Current Invisible Operations) were it to become a member of the Organisation. The Codes are legally binding instruments relating to capital movements, international investment and trade in services. The core principles underlying the Codes are equality of treatment and non-discrimination. This means that a country may not privilege its nationals in comparison to those from other Member countries, nor may it favour one Member country over another. The extent to which a country complies with the Codes is an essential yardstick in assessing its readiness to join the Organisation. What happens after this examination phase? When the Committees and the Secretariat have finished their examination they present their recommendations to the Council for decision. If the Council decides that the necessary criteria are fulfilled, it invites the country to accede to the OECD Convention . The Secretary-General and a representative of the country then sign an Agreement concerning the acceptance by the country of the obligations of membership of the OECD. It is then usual for this Agreement to pass through the parliamentary process of the country concerned. When all these steps have been completed, the country accedes to the Convention and becomes a member of the OECD. Has any country failed in its application for membership? No. It is unlikely that the Council would begin an accession procedure unless there were a good chance of success. To date countries which have received such an invitation have had substantial links with the OECD. They have attended meetings of various Committees of the Organisation, either as participants or observers, and have participated in Programmes of Co-operation with non-Members . The process is also designed to be flexible and to reflect the specific characteristics of each country -- the intention is not to impose any particular social or macroeconomic policy, but to introduce a certain objectivity into the procedure. However, that being said, there is no guarantee that an accession procedure will be successful. For example, if a country were to change its position during the examination process, perhaps by retreating from an open-market economy or backtracking on progress achieved on the democratic front, it would have little chance of becoming a Member. Finally, it should be emphasised that the process offers an ideal opportunity for a country to take stock of its position: dialogue between the different branches of the public administration is enhanced and working relationships improved; and domestic legislation is reviewed and adapted to ensure that it is in line with OECD countries. Thus, the process itself is usually seen as a positive one by the potential new Member. |
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