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I) Answer these questions: j7b14bi
1. What personal qualities should yourself analysis cover?

My personal qualities are:
- confidence -; there are many situations that demonstrate the level of confidence that I have in myself or my manager has in me.
- creativity -; there are many situations where I came up with creative solutions to many problems.
- independent/self -; starter is my ability to work independently.
- pressure is my ability to work and to think under pressure .
- responsibility -; is the most significant skill (personal quality) what I have.
2. What are the functions of management ?

The functions of management are :
Planning. This managerial function concerns itself with anticipating the future and determining the best course of action to achieve organizational objectives.Organizing. Organizing is defined as the management function that blends human and material resources through the design of a formal structure of task and authority.Staffing. The staffing function concerns itself with recruiting, selecting, training, and assigning the right person to the right position within the organization.Directing. Guiding and motivating employees towards organizational objectives.Controlling. The final function of management is controlling wherein the organizations performance is evaluated to determine whether or not it is accomplishing it's objectives.
3 . What rating criteria are used to select a manager?
The six criteria are used to select a manager:
A. Leadership: The manager displays and promotes team development, facilitates training and continuously improves work processes. Sub-criteria: creates a vision, mission and goals for the unit; models leadership traits that empower others to exhibit leadership; facilitates continuous improvement; is consistent in communication and expectations of employees; encourages employee development.
B. Decision Making/Problem Solving: The manager displays and promotes good judgment and uses sound decision-making and problem-solving skills.Sub-criteria: develops awareness of problems through open communication; uses decision-making and problem solving tools effectively; encourages decision making at the most effective/efficient level; proactive in dealing with problems; makes decisions that are timely, reasonable, consistent, sound, effective and efficient; meets difficult issues directly, accepts responsibility for decisions.
C. Customer Service: The manager is aware of the current and future needs of customers, has developed programs to meet the needs and procedures to measure success in meeting those needs, and promotes quality customer service among employees.Sub-criteria: demonstrates good understanding of internal and external customer needs; has developed an effective customer feedback program; has developed a formal process for analyzing and using customer feedback to improve work processes; uses customer information for employee performance plans and review.
D. Communication: Uses effective communication skills to successfully influence organizational objectives such as creating a positive environment for overall communication and delivering information. Sub-criteria: delivers messages and receives feedback effectively; evaluates and works to improve the communication process; develops and gives formal and informal presentations to groups; understands benefits of and barriers to effective communication; uses facilitation skills in meetings to encourage creativity, find alternative solutions and reach consensus.
E. Culture and Climate, Ethics and Diversity: Creates and maintains a positive work culture and climate; demonstrates a strong work ethic; understands the benefits and challenges of a diverse workforce.Sub-criteria: creates change experiences for employees; develops team-oriented strategies for planned change; encourages internal customer participation to create work place norms that assure success; understands the ethical consequences of their management style; uses ethics in making decisions; encourages diversity in the unit's workforce.
F. Human Resources/Risk Management: Understands the need for successful human resource management and the chief sources of risk or liability for the agency.Sub-criteria: is effective in recruiting, selecting and staffing the unit; motivates individual and team performance through the effective use of performance planning and review, employee development and the use of reward systems; takes appropriate steps to address employee issues; understands the areas of liability and risk associated with the unit's operations; develops and implements policy and procedures that pertain to the legal liability and risk of the unit; develops realistic interventions to problems related to risk identification; promotes awareness of the risk of legal liability among staff.
4.How do business negotiations contribute to successful commercial exchanges?

5. What are the factors generaling damage to environment?

Drastic warming and sea level rise has been associated primarily with the developed countries ‘ heavy use of fossil fuels whose burning releases carbon dioxide , a greenhouse gas which spreads quite evenly in the global atmosphere. A second truly global environmental concern is the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, traceable to the unintended lofting of a class of chemicals used primarily for refrigeration, and also for fire retardation, aerosol propulsion, and cleaning. A third issue of global extent is the loss of diversity of plant and animal species, with particular emphasis on depletion in tropical forests and coastal marine regions where diversity is particularly rich. Biodiversity in coastal marine regions remains under great pressure as the result of increased population and development, associated changes in water quality, increased marine debris and pollution, and destruction of habitat, including mangrove forests, sea grasses, and coral reefs. Global forest cover, particulary in tropical regions has been altered by human action , agriculture , buidings and roads . The precipitation on forests and lakes of acid-producing residues--mainly in the form of industrially-released sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)-- SO2 emissions come primarily from electric power plants . NOx emissions, from automobiles as well as power plants, remain steady with some annual fluctuations. Emission, transport, and deposition of acid-producing emissions occur elsewhere, especially where fossil fuels are heavily used, although again, limited data weaken assessments of the problem. Another issue with regional (as well as international and local) implications is the storage and disposal of radioactive wastes: both from nuclear reactors making electricity and the production of military weapons.
In developing countries , many of the largest cities suffer acute air pollution problems because of the ever-increasing number of motor vehicles .Another problem of intense local concern is the disposal of trash, garbage, and industrial wastes. In many areas the limited capacity of landfills has led to rising costs for waste disposal and to exportation of wastes to more distant locations, sometimes in other nations. Inland water bodies such as the Aral Sea in Central Asia, ground waters, and many rivers in both developing and industrialized regions have experienced serious and continuing problems as a result of combinations of imprudent irrigation; non-point-source pollution such as urban runoff, fertilizer and pesticide use; and contamination from both active and inactive industrial sites. Some estuaries and regional seas now also manifest incipient eutrophication: a reduction of dissolved oxygen, caused by an increase in deposited mineral and organic nutrients, such as those found in fertilizers.

II . Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.

1. Of all the things you do in life , few are more important than getting a job.
2. You should think about the qualities You have enable ou to do the work.
3. Qualities that relate to working with the people are especially important .
4. By attending meetings of profesional associations , you can meet the leaders in your field.

III . Make nouns from the verbs below using suffixes "ness " ,- "ing" , - "ment" - "ship"

a) to meet meeting b) to achive achivement c) to guide guiding d) to improve improvement e) to fulfill fulfillment

IV.Write about the procedures for a formal meeting.

It is often pointed out that some meetings are more formal than others. The distinction is all important as choosing both appropiate means of expression and some particular line of behaviour is dependent on it. The degree of formality depends on the procedural characteristics of a meeting which determine the type of interaction , the style of turn-taking in particular. Various features of a language, forms of address to stimulate the participants’ contribution in the course of a meeting, the choice of formulaic language and the corresponding prosodic contours are all the result of the chosen style of a meeting.
· Use advance preparation to lay the groundwork for efficient meetings
· Understand and apply meeting communication skills
· Manage meetings to make the most of the available time and resources
· Apply a variety of discussion processes for high quantity and top quality ideas

· Tools and processes for self-assessment
· How to assess the dynamics of the group, the mix of participants, their hidden agendas, and how to avert potential problems
· How to prepare and publish the agenda
· Reserving and preparing the room
· Planning the meeting process, timing issues, establishing ground rules

Meeting Management
· Communicating the ground rules
· Augmenting the ground rules to involve participants and raise their comfort level
· Communicating and agreeing on the nature of the problem or opportunity
· Processes for brainstorming, problem solving, developing ideas and solutions
· Techniques for analyzing, testing, discussing, and improving ideas
· Tools for sorting, weighting, and selecting solutions and developing them into action plans

· How to focus on purpose and results
· Communicating how the meeting will benefit the organization and the participants
· Rationale and methods for getting others involved in the meeting process
· How to motivate others to contribute to the meeting's success

Discussion Processes
· Getting high quantity and top quality ideas from team members
· Building interaction and synergy within the group
· Maintaining open communications and resolving conflicts that emerge between team members
· Staying on track and on time
· Managing difficult participants to involve them in productive ways

Follow Up
· Publishing the minutes
· Keeping track of action items
· Ensuring that team members take ownership of their action items
· Establishing follow-up to keep action items on track

V.Translate into English.

1. Ma voi intoarce pana la ora 10 cand cu siguranta va incepe sedinta.
2. Intr-adevar capacitatea de a conduce este o mare capacitate.
3. Pentru a ocupa postul , solicitantul trebuie sa posede diploma de studii in domeniul administratiei.
4. In prezent poluarea atmosferei este cu mult mai accentuata decat acum cativa ani.
5. Un numar mare de firme se intereseaza de produsele voastre.

1. I'll return until ten o'clock when certainly the meeting start.
2. Indeed the ability to lead is a great aptitude.
3. For getting the job , the solicitant must possess study diploma in administration field (department , domain).
4. At present the pollution of atmosphere is much more pronounced than a few years ago.
5. A big number of companies are interesting about your products.

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