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Planets | ||||||
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q8g22gv The relatively large natural bodies that revolve in orbits around the sun, and presumably around other stars as well, are called planets. The term does not include such smaller bodies as comets, meteors, and asteroids, many of which are little more than pieces of ice or rock. (See also Comet; Meteor and Meteorite; Asteroid.) The sun, the nine planets, their satellites, and all the smaller bodies, particles, and dust that circle the sun form the solar system. The sun, near the center of the solar system, governs the planets' orbital motions by gravitational attraction and provides the planets with light and heat. In order of increasing mean distance from the sun, the nine planets of the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. (See also Gravitation; Solar System; Sun.) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn can be seen without a telescope. The ancient Greeks called them planetes, or "wanderers," because the objects appeared to move across the background of the apparently fixed stars. Although Uranus is also sometimes visible without a telescope, ancient astronomers were unable to distinguish it from the true stars. The planets may be divided into groups in several ways. In one scheme Mercury and Venus, the planets that revolve around the sun in orbits smaller in diameter than that of the Earth, are classified as inferior planets. The so-called superior planets are those that revolve around the sun in orbits larger in diameter than the Earth's orbit. The planets may also be classified into two groups according to their gross physical characteristics. The terrestrial, or Earth-like, planets are close to the sun and are composed primarily of rock and metal. They include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The terrestrial planets are also called the inner planets. The Jovian, or Jupiter-like, planets are very large compared to the terrestrial planets and are much farther from the sun. They are also called the outer planets. They include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets are composed mostly of hydrogen and helium in gaseous and liquid form. Pluto, the outermost planet, is usually considered neither a terrestrial nor a Jovian planet. It is composed of ice and rock and is much smaller than the other planets. Formation and Evolution Although the origin of the solar system is uncertain, most scientists believe that it began to develop about 4 1/2 billion years ago from a large cloud of gas and dust. The cloud began to contract. As the material within the cloud became compressed, it grew hot. Most of this mass was drawn toward the center of the cloud, eventually forming the sun. The remaining material, less than 1 percent of the original, formed a spinning disk, called the solar nebula, around the center. The planets and satellites evolved from the nebula as it cooled. (See also Solar System, "Past and Future of the Solar System.") Close to the center, the material in the disk condensed into small particles of rock and metal that collided and stuck together, gradually growing into larger bodies called planetesimals. As they traveled around the center, the largest planetesimals swept up smaller material in their paths, a process known as accretion. Eventually these accreting bodies evolved into the terrestrial planets. The numerous impact craters still evident on the oldest surfaces of some planets are believed to have been created during this phase, when the nascent planets collided with other bodies. Farther from the center of the disk, cooler temperatures allowed not only rock and metal but also ice and gas to develop. These materials formed small eddies in the spinning disk that evolved into the Jovian planets. Each young planet had its own, relatively cool nebula from which its satellites formed. As the planets and satellites accreted, their interiors grew hot and melted. In a process known as differentiation, heavier materials sank to the centers, generating more heat in the process and gradually forming cores. In the case of the terrestrial planets, mantles of rock formed around metal-rich cores and were covered by thin surface crusts. Lighter elements escaped from the interiors and formed atmospheres and, on Earth, oceans. In addition to the heat generated by accretion and differentiation, the planets and satellites had a third source of internal heat: the decay of certain radioactive elements within the bodies (see Radioactivity). Since their formation, many of the physical characteristics of the planets have been determined by the manner in which the bodies generated and lost their internal heat. For example, the release of internal heat accounts for the volcanic and tectonic activity that shapes the crusts of the terrestrial planets. (See also Continent; Geology; Plate Tectonics; Volcano.) These bodies have solid surfaces that have preserved a record of their geologic histories. In smaller bodies such as Earth's moon, Mercury, Mars, and the satellites of the outer planets, the internal heat escapes to the surface relatively quickly. As a result, the surface initially undergoes rapid, violent changes. Then, when most of the body's internal heat has dissipated, the surface features stabilize and remain largely undisturbed as the body ages. Larger bodies, like the Earth and Venus, lose their heat more slowly. In fact, they are still subject to the forces of volcanism and tectonism. The landforms of the terrestrial bodies that lack atmospheres have been shaped primarily by these volcanic and tectonic activities, combined with cratering caused by impacts that occurred during the solar system's formation. The same is true for those terrestrial bodies that have atmospheres, but their landforms have been modified by the action of wind and, in some cases, water. The evolution of the Jovian planets cannot be reconstructed by analyzing their surface features--they have no solid surfaces. These planets are so large that much of their internal heat is still being released. Mercury Mercury, the planet nearest the sun, is difficult to observe from the Earth because it rises and sets within two hours of the sun. Consequently, little was known about the planet until the Mariner 10 spacecraft made several flybys in 1974 and 1975. Mercury's surface has several different types of terrain. Planetary scientists can estimate the age of a surface by the number of impact craters on it; in general, the older the surface, the more craters it has. Some regions on Mercury are heavily cratered, suggesting that they are very old surfaces that were probably formed about 4 billion years ago. Between these regions are areas of gently rolling plains that may have been smoothed by volcanic lava flows or by accumulated deposits of fine material ejected from impacts. These plains are also old enough to have accumulated a large number of impact craters. Elsewhere on the planet are smooth, flat plains with few craters. These plains are probably younger and volcanic in origin. Sometime between the formation of the intercrater plains and the formation of the smooth plains, the whole planet may have shrunk as it cooled, causing the crust to buckle and form the long, steep cliffs called scarps. The largest impact basin on Mercury, Caloris, is about 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) across and is surrounded by mountains that rise to heights of about 1.2 miles (2 kilometers). It was probably created from the impact of a large planetesimal when Mercury was forming. On the opposite side of the planet from Caloris is an area of hilly, lineated terrain that probably resulted from seismic waves caused by the same impact. Like other airless, solid bodies in the solar system, the entire surface of Mercury is covered with a layer of rubble called regolith. Regolith is composed of material, ranging from dust to boulders, that was scattered when impact craters were formed. This debris was in turn broken up and redistributed by subsequent impacts. Mercury is very dense and has a magnetic field that is about 1 percent as strong as Earth's. This suggests the existence of a core composed of iron and nickel and constituting about 40 percent of the planet's volume. The surface gravity is about one third as strong as Earth's. A thin atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, potassium, and sulfur surrounds the planet. Radar images taken of Mercury in 1991 show what are considered to be large ice patches at the planet's north pole. Mercury rotates on its axis three times for every two revolutions around the sun and has a more elliptical orbit than do most other planets. These two characteristics combine to create effects unusual by Earth standards. At aphelion, the point in Mercury's orbit when the planet is farthest from the sun, an observer on Mercury would see a sun that appeared more than twice as large as it does from Earth. At perihelion, when Mercury is nearest the sun, the sun would appear almost four times as large as it does from Earth. Furthermore, the sun would not appear to move steadily across the sky. Instead, its apparent speed would change, depending on the viewer's location on the planet and on the planet's distance from the sun--sometimes the sun would even appear to reverse its course. Temperatures on Mercury vary widely. Planetary scientists often discuss temperatures in terms of the Kelvin scale, an absolute temperature scale in which 0 K is the lowest possible temperature, corresponding to -459.67o F (-273.15o C) (see Heat, "The Measurement of Temperature"). Surface temperatures on Mercury range from about 675 K at "noon" to 100 K just before "dawn" (temperatures of about 295 K are comfortable for humans). It takes almost 59 Earth days for Mercury to complete one rotation about its axis, but the time between one sunrise and the next is 176 Earth days. The reason for this is that after one rotation, Mercury has completed two thirds of its orbit around the sun, so that the sun is in a different place in Mercury's sky. It takes three rotations, or two Mercurial years, for the sun to reappear in the same place in the planet's sky. Venus The Earth-Moon System Since ancient times Mars has been an object of great interest to astronomers. Unlike Venus, Mars generally has no obscuring layer of clouds. In addition, it passes relatively close to the Earth in its orbit. Thus it is a nearly ideal subject for telescopic observation. Over the centuries observers have noted various unusual phenomena on the planet's surface, including a seasonal growing and shrinking of the polar caps and a wave of darkening that appears to sweep from pole to equator during each hemisphere's spring. The explanation of most of these observations had to await the exploratory space missions by the United States and Soviet Union during the 1960s and 1970s. Mars is about half the size of Earth. Its atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide and is very thin, exerting about 1/100 the surface pressure that the Earth's atmosphere exerts. The temperature at the planet's surface varies widely during the course of a Martian day, from about 190 K just before dawn to about 240 K in the afternoon. At the center of the planet is probably a small iron or iron sulfide core. If Mars has a magnetic field, it is so weak that no instrument has been able to detect it. Mars, like the Earth, is tilted on its rotational axis. Consequently it is subject to seasonal variations in climate as first one hemisphere and then the other receives more sunlight during the planet's orbit around the sun (see Seasons). Liquid water cannot exist on Mars's surface because of the low temperature and pressure; water exists only as ice deposited at the poles and perhaps trapped below the surface and as vapor in the atmosphere. However, there is evidence that, in the past, temperatures may have been warmer and the atmospheric pressure higher. Images from the Viking orbiters show surface features that resemble dry riverbeds and gullies. These might have been made by rainfall and runoff, but they might also have been made by subsurface water that escaped to the surface. Although it is quiescent now, Mars experienced a period of volcanic activity that peaked a few billion years ago. The planet has the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons. At a height of 17 miles (27 kilometers), the volcano is three times higher than Earth's Mount Everest and covers an area the size of the state of Arizona. It sits on the Tharsis Plateau, a broad, elevated plain dotted with large volcanoes and fractures. The largest fracture system is Valles Marineris, a huge valley about 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) long and varying from 2 1/2 to 6 miles (4 to 10 kilometers) in depth. The Tharsis Plateau may have been formed by a rising plume of hot mantle material, but no plate-tectonic activity accompanied this process--the Martian surface consists of a single plate. Other regions on Mars include smooth plains, densely cratered areas, mesas, and rolling hills formed by various combinations of fracturing, volcanism, and atmospheric-related erosion and deposition. In general, once each Martian year at the beginning of the Southern Hemisphere's spring season, Mars is engulfed by global dust storms. Local temperature differences generate strong winds that lift the dust from the surface to form thick clouds. The clouds block the sunlight, gradually causing the surface temperatures to even out and the winds to subside. Some of the atmospheric dust is deposited in a snowfall of dust and ice in the winter hemisphere. The snow forms a winter cap of carbon dioxide ice, water ice, and dust. During the spring most of the cap evaporates, but some remains as a permanent deposit. As a result, a geologic record of these storms and their variations over the planet's lifetime must be preserved in the permanent layers of dust and ice at the Martian poles. The phenomenon known as the wave of darkening accompanies the seasonal waning of the polar caps. Near the edge of either polar cap, a general darkening of the surface markings appears in early spring as the cap begins to recede. The darkening then moves away from the cap and sweeps across the equator, finally dissipating in the opposite hemisphere. Attempts to study these waves from spacecraft have failed. No surface changes have been detected that could be associated with this phenomenon, and it is generally agreed that it is some kind of atmospheric effect. For centuries astronomers have considered the possibility that life might exist on Mars. In 1877 the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli described a system of interconnecting channels on the planet. The American astronomer Percival Lowell interpreted Schiaparelli's word canali to mean canals and speculated that they were structures that had been built by an advanced but dying Martian civilization. Most astronomers could see no canals, however, and many doubted their reality. The controversy was finally resolved only when pictures returned from the United States Mariner probes in 1969 showed many craters but nothing resembling channels or canals. Some scientists thought it possible that some type of organism could have existed on Mars because of the presence of water and the possibility that temperatures on the planet were warmer in the past. The United States Viking probes, consisting of two orbiting spacecraft and two landers, were intended in part to search for evidence of past or present forms of life on Mars. The two landers touched down on the planet in 1976 and performed numerous experiments, including a detailed chemical analysis of the Martian atmosphere and soil. No trace of any organic material was found. The next United States probe, the Mars Observer, was launched in September 1992 and was expected to land on Mars in August 1993. Equipped to study the surface composition, volcanic activity, and atmosphere of Mars, the 980-million-dollar spacecraft lost contact with Earth and was presumed lost in September 1993. Scientists announced in 1996 that a meteorite from Mars that fell to Earth 13,000 years ago contained organic molecules, minerals, and carbonate globules that are all associated with bacterial life, providing the first "evidence of primitive life on early Mars." The meteorite was recovered in 1984 by American scientists in Antarctica. The findings suggested that microbial life existed on Mars more than 3 billion years ago, when the planet was wetter and warmer. Skeptical scientists warned against rushing to conclusions, and officials from NASA said that more rigorous scientific examination of the evidence would have to be completed before the extraordinary findings could be validated. Mars has two small satellites, Phobos and Deimos, that may be captured asteroids. Both are so small that they do not have enough internal gravity to draw them into spherical shapes; instead, they are shaped more or less like potatoes. Phobos is about 17 miles (27 kilometers) long; Deimos is about 9 1/2 miles (15 kilometers) long. Both have rotational periods equal to their orbital periods, so that they always point the same face toward Mars. Deimos has smooth craters that are almost buried in regolith generated by repeated impacts with other bodies. Phobos is also covered with regolith, but it is far more rugged and very heavily cratered. Phobos is very close to Mars, and its orbit is gradually decaying, so that it is drawing closer to the planet with each orbit. Astronomers estimate that Phobos may fall to the Martian surface sometime in the next 100 million years. Deimos is in a more distant orbit and is gradually moving away from the planet. Both satellites are very dark and are probably made of a carbonaceous chondrite material. This is a primitive substance that includes many of the first materials to precipitate out of the solar nebula during the creation of the solar system. It is found on many satellites, asteroids, and meteorites. The Jovian System The Saturnian System Uranus is another large gaseous planet. It is denser than Jupiter and Saturn and is composed of hydrogen, helium, substantial amounts of water, and probably some methane, ammonia, rock, and metal. Trace amounts of methane in its upper atmosphere give it a blue-green color. The temperature in the upper atmosphere is only about 60 K, but the temperature increases with atmospheric depth. Underneath the thick clouds there may be an immense ocean of water that, though it is heated to several thousand degrees Kelvin, does not boil away because of the intense pressure from the atmosphere above it. The core of the planet is most likely rock and metal. Uranus' rotational axis is tilted an unusually great 98 degrees from a hypothetical line perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. (The ecliptic plane is the theoretical plane created by extending Earth's orbit around the sun to form a vast, flat surface.) Thus the planet lies on its side with its north pole pointing slightly below the plane. During the course of its 84-year orbit around the sun, Uranus points first one pole toward the sun, then its equator, and then the other pole. It is thought that a catastrophic collision between Uranus and another body, perhaps a large comet, may have knocked the planet on its side. Uranus rotates in retrograde, or clockwise, motion about once every 17 hours. The planet has a strong magnetic field in which the magnetic north pole is tilted an exceptionally great 60 degrees from the rotational north pole. Uranus has 15 known satellites, which are composed mostly of ice and are heavily cratered. The five major satellites are Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. Oberon's surface is very old and heavily cratered, indicating that the body has been geologically inactive during most of its existence. Titania is covered by only small craters and shows evidence of early geologic activity. Ariel and Umbriel are the brightest and darkest satellites, respectively. Ariel has a young surface that contains some small craters, many faults, and some apparent ice flows. Umbriel is uniformly very dark and heavily cratered. The darkness of the surface suggests that it is relatively young, but the large number of craters indicates that the surface is old. Miranda, the smallest and innermost of the major satellites, is partly young terrain covered with ridges and scarps and oddly shaped, sharp-cornered regions. Another part resembles the grooved terrain of Jupiter's Ganymede. A third area has a very old surface with many craters. Such extensive and diverse geologic activity is highly unusual for such a small, cold moon. Miranda may have been broken apart by an impact with a comet or another satellite, probably more than once, reaccreting each time to form the strange jumble of terrains now observed. Little was known about the planet Neptune, which was discovered in 1846, until the Voyager 2 encounter in 1989. Its mass is comparable to that of Uranus, and it has a similar composition. Its thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and some methane gives it a bluish color. Like the other gaseous planets, Neptune rotates rapidly, once every 16.1 hours, and has a slightly larger diameter at the equator than at the poles. The atmospheric temperature has been found to be at about 60 K, higher than expected for a body so far from the sun. Its high temperature suggests that Neptune has another, possibly internal, heat source. The planet probably has a rocky core surrounded by water ice and liquid methane, which in turn are surrounded by hydrogen and helium gases. Neptune has eight known satellites. The largest satellite, Triton, revolves around Neptune in a direction opposite to that of most other satellites in the solar system. Nereid, the second largest, revolves in the normal direction but in a very eccentric orbit. Pluto and Charon Pluto was discovered in 1930, and its satellite, Charon, was discovered in 1978. Pluto is a tiny, low-density planet made up of 97 percent nitrogen and small amounts of frozen carbon monoxide and methane. Until this discovery in 1992, Pluto was believed to have consisted of ice and rock. The planet's diameter is estimated at about 1,430 miles (2,300 kilometers). Charon is about 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) across. The combined mass of Pluto and Charon is about 450 times less than that of Earth. Consistent variations in brightness can be observed on Pluto, indicating that its surface is irregular. Astronomers have used these variations to help determine the planet's rotational period: 6 days, 9 hours, and 17 minutes, in Earth time. Pluto's orbit is much more elliptic than those of the other planets and is tilted 17 degrees from the ecliptic plane. When it is at perihelion, Pluto is nearer the sun than is Neptune. Pluto's eccentric orbit and its physical similarities to icy satellites originally led some astronomers to believe that Pluto did not have the same origin as the other planets. One theory suggested that Pluto and Charon may once have been satellites of Neptune but were pulled away from Neptune's gravitational field. Most scientists, however, no longer believe this model is physically plausible. Motions of the Planets |
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