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Proverbe - dictionar de proverbe romana si engleza | ||||||
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A 1. ABSENCE makes the heart grow fonder. l9s18sjOchii care se vad rar se iubesc. Mai rarut, mai dragut. 2. ABSENCE sharpens love, presence strengthens it. Celor ce duc mai mult dorul, le pare mai dulce odorul. 3. Long ABSENT, soon forgotten. Prin departare dragostea se uita. Cf. Out of SIGHT, out of mind. 4. The ABSENT are always in the wrong.Cei ce lipsesc nu capata dreptate. Sim. He is neither absent without fault, nor present without excuse. 5. ABUNDANCE, like want, ruins many. Bogatia strica pe om. 6. Out of the ABUNDANCE of the heart the mouth speaketh. Din prisosul inimii graieste gura. Var. Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks. Cf. What the HEART thinks, the tongue speaks. * Matthew 12, 34 / Matei 12, 34 * Luke 6, 45 / Luca 6, 45 7. There is no good ACCORD where every man would be a lord. Vai de casa cu multi stapani. Cf. Where every man is MASTER the world goes to wreck. 8. There is no ACCOUNTING for tastes. Gustul disputa n-are. Sim. Everyone as they like best / Tastes differ. Cf. Every man to his TASTE. 9. ACORNS were good till bread was found. Buna si mamaliga,
cand ne lipseste painea. Buna-i placinta, dar daca
nu-i, e buna si pita. Daca nu e colac e buna si painea. 10. ACTIONS speak louder than words. Faptele graiesc mai apasat decat vorbele. Cf. DEEDS, not words. 11. When ADAM delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?Daca ar fi fost toti bogati, cine ar fi sapat ogoarele? 12. If the ADDER could hear, and the blindworm could see, neither man nor beast would ever go free. Sa te fereasca Dumnezeu cand o face rama ochi, ca-i mai rea decat sarpele. Cand ar fi dupa corbi, toti caii ar fi morti. 13. Much ADO about nothing. Mult zgomot pentru nimic. Sim. Much cry and little wool. 14. ADVERSITY makes a man wise, not rich.Cine pagubeste se intelepteste. Cf. EXPERIENCE is the mother of knowledge / EXPERIENCE is the best teacher / An ounce of PRACTICE is worth a pound of precept. 15. A woman's ADVICE is no great thing, but he who won't take it is a fool. Bine este sa asculti si sfatul unei neveste. 16. If you wish good ADVICE, consult an old man. Cine are batran sa-l vanda si cine n-are sa-l cumpere. Cf. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel. 17. When a thing is done, ADVICE comes too late.Sfatul dupa fapta e manta dupa ploaie. Cf. When the HOUSE is burned down, you bring water / It is too late to shut the STABLE -DOOR after the horse has bolted / It is easy to be WISE after the event. 18. For AGE and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day. Cine aduna la tinerete are la batranete. Sim. Keep something for him that rides on the white horse / Spare when you're young and spend when you're old. Cf. Make ample PROVISION for old age / Keep SOMETHING for a rainy day. 19. Old AGE is sickness of itself. Nici o boala nu-i mai grea ca boala batranetelor. Batranetele nu vin singure, ci cu multe nevoi. Sim. An old man is a bed full of bones. 20. A lean AGREEMENT is better than a fat judgement. Mai bine o pace (invoiala) stramba decat o judecata dreapta. 21. Ill AIR slays sooner than the sword. Aerul spurcat viata ti-o moleseste; departe de el. 22. ALMOST and very (well) nigh saves many a lie. Cand adevarul lipseste, "asa mi se pare" s-apropie de adevar. Cf. "They say so" is half a LIE. 23. ALMS never make poor. Cel ce da de mila nu saraceste. * Proverbs 28, 28 / Pilde 28, 28 24. When thou doest ALMS, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. Sa nu stie mana stanga ce face (da) dreapta. * Matthew 6, 3 / Matei 6, 3 25. It is not good that the man should be ALONE. Nu este bine sa fie omul singur. Cf. A MAN without a wife is but half a man. * Genesis 2, 18 / Facerea 2, 18
Vai de cel ce merge singur! ca, cand va aluneca, n-are cine-l ridica. 27. He that serves at the ALTAR ought to live by the altar. Cine slujeste altarului din altar mananca. Lucratorul mananca de unde lucreaza. 28. He that doth AMISS may do well. Cine sparge sticlele, le plateste. 29. Men are not ANGELS. Om sfant nu se poate. Nu-i nime sfant pe pamant. Nimeni nu e usa de biserica. Cf. Every MAN has his faults. 30. ANGER cannot stand without a strong hand. Daca n-ai putere, nu intarata galceava. Daca nu ai putere, ce mai atiti sfada? Sim. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 31. ANGER is a short madness. Omul la manie cade-n nebunie. 32. He that is ANGRY is seldom at ease. Nemultumitul traieste nefericit. 33. He that is ANGRY without a cause shall be pleased without amends. In care camasa s-a maniat intr-aceea s-a desmania. 34. A soft ANSWER turneth away wrath. Raspunsul bland inlatura mania. Un raspuns bland domoleste mania. Cf. Good WORDS cool more than cold water. * Proverbs 15, 1 / Pilde 15, 1 35. The ANVIL fears no blows. Nicovanul frica n-are de ciocan. 36. When you are an ANVIL, hold you still; when you are a hammer, strike your fill. Nicovanul mult rabda pana este nicovan; dupa ce ajunge ciocan bate fara mila. Pana cand esti nicovala rabda loviturile, iar cand esti ciocan loveste cat poti. Cat esti nicovala sufera, cat esti ciocan loveste. 37. An APE's an ape, a varlet's a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet. Maimuta in aur si purpura tot maimuta ramane. Cf. An ASS is but an ass, though laden with gold. 38. APPEARANCES are deceptive. Aparentele insala. Var. Appearances are deceiving. 39. Never judge from APPEARANCES. Adeseori te inseli daca te iei dupa coaja copacului. Nu judecati dupa infatisare. Cf. Under a ragged COAT lies wisdom. * John 7, 24 / Ioan 7, 24
Pofta vine mancand. Sim. Eating and scratching wants but a beginning. 41. An APPLE never falls far from the tree. Marul nu cade departe de pom. Cf. A CHIP off the old block. 42. The rotten APPLE injures its neighbours. Marul putred strica si pe cele bune. Un mar putred strica o gramada de mere frumoase. 43. Sodom APPLES outwardly fair, ashes at the core. Merele frumoase pot fi si viermanoase. 44. APRIL rains for men; May, for beasts. Ploaia din mai face malai. Daca nu ploua in mai, nu se mananca malai. Var. April rains for corn; May, for grass / A dry March, wet April and cool May, fill barn and cellar and bring much hay. 45. Every man is the ARCHITECT of his own fortune. Norocu-i dupa cum si-l face omul. 46. An ARMY of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag. Mai bine oaste de cerbi si comandirul lor un leu, decat oaste de lei si comandirul lor un cerb. 47. An ARROW shot upright falls on the shooter's head. Cel care arunca piatra in sus, peste capul sau o arunca. Sim. Evil that comes out of thy mouth flieth into thy bosom. Cf. Who SPITS against the wind, it falls in his face. * Ecclesiasticus 27, 25 / Sirah 27, 25 48. ART has no enemy but ignorance. Invatatura data rau se sparge in capul tau. Sim. Science has no enemy but the ignorant. 49. ART improves nature. De multe ori ce este scazut in fire, mestesugul cum se cade plineste. Cf. NURTURE passes nature. 50. ART is long and life is short. Omul moare de batran si tot nu le invata pe toate. 51. He who has an ART has everywhere a part. Ai carte, ai parte. Ai carte, ai parte; n-ai carte, n-ai parte. Cine are carte are si parte. Var. Who has a trade, has a share everywhere. 52. ASK, and it shall be given you. Cereti si vi se va da. * Matthew 7, 7 / Matei 7, 7 53. He that cannot ASK cannot live. Omul cu rusine piere, nimeni nu-i da pan nu cere. 54. Nothing is lost for ASKING. Intrebarea moarte n-are. Cine intreaba de doua ori nu greseste niciodata. 55. An ASS endures his burden, but not more than his burden. Pe magar sa-l incarci dupa a lui putere, daca nu vrei sa te incarci tu in locul lui. Incarca-ti dobitocul pana unde e sorocul. Sim. It is not the burden, but the overburden that kills the beast. Cf. Take no more on you than you're able to BEAR. 56. An ASS in a lion's skin. Ca magarul imbracat in piele de leu. 57. An ASS is but an ass, though laden with gold. Cat de mult sa impodobesti cu aur si cu argint pe cel mai frumos magar, tot magar se socoteste. Cf. An APE's an ape, a varlet's a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet. 58. An ASS must be tied where the master will have him. Leaga calul unde zice stapanul, macar lupul sa-l manance. 59. Better ride on an ASS that carries me than a horse that throws me. Mai bine un magar care te poarta decat un cal care te tranteste. 60. Did you ever hear an ASS play on a harp? Ce stie magarul ce e cantarea
privighetoarei. Ce are de a face scripca si cu iepurele. Bate samarul sa priceapa magarul. Bate saua sa priceapa iapa. Var. He that cannot beat the horse beats the saddle. 62. If an ASS goes a-travelling, he'll not come home a horse. Magar s-a dus, magar s-a intors. S-a dus bou si s-a intors vaca. Var. Never went out ass and came home horse. Sim. He that sends a fool expects one / Send a fool to the market (far, to France) and a fool he will return again / How much the fool who goes to Rome excels the fool who stays at home. 63. One ASS scrubs another. Magar pe magar se scarpina. Vaca pe vaca se linge si porc pe porc se scarpina. 64. The ASS loaded with gold still eats thistles. La fan mai mult decat la aur pofteste magarul. Magarul duce vinul si bea apa. 65. 'Tis a sorry ASS that will not bear his own burden.Oaia care nu poate sa-si tie lana trebuie taiata. 66. When all men say you are an ASS, it is time to bray. Daca toata lumea zice ca esti beat, culca-te. Cand trei spun ca esti beat, du-te de te culca. Sim. If one, or three tell you, you are an ass, put on a bridle (tail) / What everybody says must be true. 67. When an ASS kicks you, never tell it. Magarul cand te loveste sa fugi si sa-i multumesti, ca mai castigat esti.
68. You go to an ASS for wool. Cine spala capul magarului in zadar pierde osteneala si sapunul. 70. If my AUNT had been a man, she'd have been my uncle. De-ar avea si baba ca oamenii barba, atunci i-ar zice "ce mai mos de treaba". B 1. BACCHUS hath drowned more men than Neptune.Mai multi se ineaca in bautura decat in apa. 2. He would fall on his BACK and break his nose. Cade pe spate si-si frange nasul. Sim. An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup. 3. Nothing so BAD but it might have been worse. Rau cu rau, dar mai rau fara rau. 4. Nothing so BAD in which there is not something of good. La tot raul este si un bine. Var. Nothing but is good for something. Sim. No great loss but some small profit . Cf. ILL LUCK is good for something. 5. As you BAKE, so shall you eat. Cum iti vei gati, asa vei pranzi. Var. As they brew, so let them bake. Cf. As you make your BED, so you must lie on it / As they BREW, so let them drink 6. Make not a BALK of good ground. Nu da binelui cu piciorul, ca pe urma o sa-i duci dorul. 7. A BARBER learns to shave by shaving fools. Barbierul invata meseria pe capul prostilor. 8. BE what you would seem to be. Cum ti-e chipul te poarta. Ori te poarta cum ti-e vorba, ori vorbeste cum ti-e portul. Var. Be what you seem, and seem what you are. 9. BEADS about the neck and the devil in the heart. Unde vezi matanii
multe, departe, sa nu te muste. Var. The beads in the hand and the devil
in capuch. Pasarea in colivie nu se bucura, si de e vie. Sim. Liberty is more worth than gold / Lean liberty is better than fat slavery. 11. BEAR and forbear. Rabda suflete cat poti, nu-ti da taina catre toti. Rabda inima si taci, ca n-ai alta ce sa faci. 12. Call the BEAR 'uncle' till you are safe across the bridge. Fa-te frate cu dracu pana treci puntea. Sai si in spatele dracului pana vei trece garla. Sim. Once on shore, we pray no more./ The river past and God forgotten. Cf. The DANGER past and God forgotten. 13. Don't sell the BEAR's skin before you have caught him. Nu vinde pielea ursului inainte de a-l ucide. Nu vinde pielea ursului din padure. Ursu-i in padure si-i vinde pielea in targ. Sim. Count not four, except you have them in the wallet / Do not halloo till you are out of the wood / Never fry fish till it's caught. Cf. Don't cross the BRIDGE till you come to it / Do not count your CHICKENS before they are hatched / It is not good praising a FORD till a man be over. 14. Take no more on you than you're able to BEAR. Povara mai grea decat spinarea ta sa nu ridici, ca sa nu te poticnesti. Cf. An ASS endures his burden, but not more than his burden. 15. If the BEARD were all, the goat might preach. Barba lunga si capra are, dar minte nicicum nu are. Cf. The BRAINS don't lie in the beard. 16. It is not the BEARD that makes the philosopher.Nu barba il face pe filozof, filozof. 17. BEAUTY carries its dower in its face. Fata frumoasa se marita fara zestre. Totdeauna fetisoara marita pe fetisoara. Sim. A fair face is half a portion. 18. BEAUTY fades like a flower.Frumusetea la om ca floarea la pom. Sim. Beauty is but a blossom. 19. As you make your BED, so you must lie on it. Cum iti vei face patul, asa vei dormi. Cum iti vei asterne, asa vei dormi. Sim. As they brew, so let them bake. Cf. As you BAKE, so shall you eat / As they BREW, so let them drink. 20. Better go to BED supperless than to rise in debt. Cine se culca flamand se scoala fara datorii. 21. Early to BED and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Scoala-te de dimineata, daca vrei sa-ti lungesti viata. 22. Who goes to BED supperless, all night tumbles and tosses. Cine se culca nemancat codri viseaza. Flamandul codri viseaza. 23. BEES that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails. Albina in gura tine mierea cea mai dulce, si in coada acul cel mai otravitor. 24. Better BEG than steal. Mai bine sa ceri decat sa furi. 25. The BEGGAR may sing before the thief.
Cel gol trebuinta n-are d-a-si pazi hainele sale. Sim. A beggar can never be bankrupt. Cf. No NAKED man is sought after to be rifled. 26. A BEGGAR's purse is bottomless. Sacul cersetorului n-are fund. Var. A beggar's purse is always empty / A beggar's scrip is never filled. 27. Better never to BEGIN than never to make an end. Cand te apuci de vreo treaba n-o lasa fara isprava. Cine nu poate savarsi un lucru, sa nu se apuce de dansul. Sim. Let him that beginneth the song make an end. 28. Good to BEGIN well, better to end well. Inceputul fie cum o fi, sfarsitul sa fie bun. 29. A bad BEGINNING, a bad ending. A faptelor rele incepatura spre rau sfarsit pleaca. 30. A good BEGINNING makes a good ending. Care incepe bine sfarseste frumos. 31. Every BEGINNING is hard. Tot inceputul e greu. Var. All beginnings are hard (difficult). Cf. It is the first STEP that is difficult. 32. Well BEGUN is half done. Lucrul bine inceput e pe jumatate facut. Treaba bine inceputa e pe jumatate terminata. Sim. The first blow is half the battle. 33. BELIEVE nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see. Asculta tot, dar nu crede tot. 34. We soon BELIEVE what we desire. Cine ce pofteste lesne crede. Capul cel tampit odorogeste ca un butoi dogit. 36. A BELLY full of gluttony will never study willingly. Stomacul plin nu-nvata bucuros. Burta plina nu invata bine. Sim. Fat paunches have lean pates. 37. Better BELLY burst than good meat lost. Decat sa ramaie branza, mai bine sa crape ranza. 38. He whose BELLY is full believes not him who is fasting. Satulul nu crede flamandului. Cf. Little knows the FAT man (sow) what the lean does mean. 39. His BELLY cries cupboard. Stomacul cand chioraieste la demancare gandeste. 40. The BELLY wants ears. Pantecele se umple si cu paie si cu fan. 42. Better BEND than break. Indoaie-te ca trestia si vantul nu te va rupe. Cf. All that SHAKES falls not. 43. A good BESTILL is worth a groat. Vorba multa, saracia omului. 44. If BETTER were within, better would come out. Din omul bun, bun lucru iese. 45. The BETTER-natured, the sooner undone. Cel mai bun, mai prost. 46. A BIRD in the hand is worth two in the bush. Mai bine vrabia in mana decat cioara-n par. Nu da vrabia din mana pe cioara din par. Mai bine o pasare in colivie decat zece pe gard. Mai bine una si-n colivie decat in vant o mie. Sim. A feather in hand is better than a bird in the air / Better a fowl in hand nor two flying. 47. Each BIRD loves to hear himself sing. Fiecare pasare pe limba ei piere. 48. It is an ill BIRD that fouls its own nest. Urata pasare este aceea care isi spurca cuibul sau. 49. Such BIRD, such egg. Rodul dupa samanta, ca oul dupa pasare. Sim. An evil crow, an evil egg / Like crow, like egg. 50. The BIRD is known by his note. Pasarea dupa glas se cunoaste. Cf. The BIRD is known by his note, the man by his words. 51. The BIRD is known by his note, the man by his words. Pasarea dupa ce se cunoaste? Dupa cantec. Mojicul dupa ce se cunoaste? Dupa vorba. Omul dupa grai, ca clopotul dupa sunet, indata se cunoaste. Dupa glas cunosti pe om si pe dobitoc. Cf. The BIRD is known by his note. 52. The BIRD loves her nest. Fiecare pasare isi iubeste cuibul. Var. Every bird likes his own nest best. 53. The early BIRD catches the worm. Cine se scoala de dimineata departe ajunge. Cine pleaca mai de dimineata ajunge mai-nainte. 54. Thou art a bitter BIRD, said the raven to the starling. Rade dracul de porumbel si nu se vede pe el. Rade dracul de porumbe negre si pe sine nu se vede. Sim. The kettle calls the pot black-brows (burnt-arse) / The pot calls the kettle black. Cf. The FRYING-PAN said to the kettle, "Avaunt, black brows!" / The KETTLE calls the pot black-brows (burnt- arse). 55. BIRDS of a feather flock together. Cioara langa cioara zboara. Cioara langa cioara trage, alte pasari nu-i sunt drage. Cine se potriveste, lesne se-nsoteste. Sim. Likeness causes liking. Cf. LIKE will to like. * Ecclesiasticus 27, 9 / Sirah 27, 9 56. There are no BIRDS of this year in last year's nests. Tot un cuc nu ne canta in toata vremea. Nu mai bate vantul care batea. 57. Great BIRTH is a very poor dish at table. E de neam mare, dar crescut in saracie. 58. Take the BIT and the buffet with it. Cine-ncaleca magarul sa-i sufere naravul. 59. The hasty BITCH brings forth blind whelps. Cateaua de pripa isi naste cateii fara ochi. Cf. HASTE makes waste / Too HASTY burned his lips. 60. BLAB is wist and out it must. Ce-i in gusa, si-n capusa. 61. He that is a BLAB is a scab. Gura sparta, raie curata. 62. Two BLACKS do not make a white. Innegrind pe altul nu te albesti pe tine. 63. A BLIND man may sometimes hit the mark. Si gaina oarba nimereste
cate un graunt. Ce foloseste orbului fata frumoasa? Var. A blind man has no need of a looking-glass. 65. BLIND men should judge no colours. Nu orbul ci cel cu ochi gandeasca de vopsele. 66. If the BLIND lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Orbul pe orb povatuind cad amandoi in groapa (mormant). * Matthew 15, 14 / Matei 15, 14 67. Men are BLIND in their own cause. Omul poate povatui pe altul, dar pe sine niciodata. 68. There's none so BLIND as those who will not see. Nu e mai orb decat cel ce nu vrea sa vada. Var. None so blind as those who won't see. 69. BLOOD is thicker than water. Sangele apa nu se face. Var. Blood is not water. 70. You cannot get BLOOD from a stone. A scoate apa (lapte) din piatra. Var. You cannot get milk (water) from a stone. 71. Great BOAST and small roast makes unsavoury mouths. Fudulia intra-n casa, saracia dupa usa. Cioara mandra si flamanda. 72. A little BODY often harbours a great soul. Mic la stat, mare la sfat. Si pitulicea este mica, dar printre pasari e voinica. 73. If you love the BOLL, you cannot hate branches. Pentru fraga si frunza ti-e draga. 74. The nearer the BONE, the sweeter the flesh. Carnea de langa os e cea mai dulce. 75. What is bred in the BONE will not out of the flesh. Naravul din fire n-are lecuire. Naravu-nradacinat nu poate fi vindecat. Sim. Though you cast out nature with a fork, it will still return. 76. As soon as a man is BORN he begins to die. Omu-i cu moartea dupa cap. Sim. It is as natural to die as to be born / Our lives are but our marches to the grave. Cf. He that is once BORN, once must die. 77. He that is once BORN, once must die. Cine vede nasterea vede si moartea. Ce naste moare. Sim. It is as natural to die as to be born / Our lives are but our marches to the grave. Cf. As soon as a man is BORN he begins to die / All that LIVES must die / All MEN are mortal. 78. The BORROWER is servant to the lender. Cel ce imprumuta este slujitor celui de la care se imprumuta. * Proverbs 22, 7 / Pilde 22, 7 79. He that goes a-BORROWING, goes a-sorrowing. Fa imprumuturi si te gateste de suparari. Datoria e plina de griji. 80. Cut not the BOUGH that thou standest upon. A-si taia singur craca de sub picioare. Var. Don't cut the bough you are standing on. 81. A BOW long bent at last waxes weak. Nu intinde coarda pre mult, ca
se rupe. Coarda mereu intinsa se rupe. 82. BOYS will be boys. Copilul trebuie sa fie copil. 83. Great BRAGGERS, little doers. Gura multa, treaba putina. Var. They brag most that can do least. Sim. Much bruit and little fruit / Great boast and little roast / Much cry and little wool. Cf. The greatest TALKERS are the least doers / A long TONGUE is a sign of a short hand. 84. The BRAINS don't lie in the beard. Plini de barba si goi de minte. Barba mare, minte n-are. Cf. If the BEARD were all, the goat might preach. 85. The BRAYING of an ass does not reach heaven. Glasul magarului nu se aude-n cer. Latratura cainelui si zbieratura magarului nu se aud in cer. Cf. The PRAYERS of the wicked won't prevail. 86. Dry BREAD at home is better than roast meat abroad. Fie painea cat de rea tot mai buna in tara mea. Fie painea cat de buna nu-i buna-n tara straina. Decat in tara straina, cu pita si cu slanina, mai bine in satul tau, cu malaiu cat de rau. 87. Dry BREAD is better with love than a fat capon with fear. Mai bine paine neagra cu dragoste curata decat alba ca zapada si plina de sudalma. Mai bine varza acra cu-nvoiala decat zahar dulce cu carteala. Decat mamaliga cu unt si sa ma uit in pamant, mai bine paine cu sare si sa ma uit la soare. Sim. Better an egg in peace than an ox in war. 88. Eaten BREAD is soon forgotten. Ceea ce s-a mancat s-a si uitat. Sim. When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing. 89. Man cannot live by BREAD alone. Nu numai cu paine va trai omul. * Matthew 4, 4 / Matei 4, 4 * Luke 4, 4 / Luca 4, 4 * Deuteronomy 8, 3 / Deuteronomul 8, 3 90. Keep (Save) your BREATH to cool your broth (porridge). Nu te baga unde nu-ti fierbe oala. 91. One man's BREATH another's death. Moartea unora este viata altora. Sim. One man's loss is another man's gain. 92. As they BREW, so let them drink. Cine face galusca trebuie s-o si-nghita.
Precum faci, asa tragi. Cine nu se afla la nunta-i acasa atunci altu-n locu-i joaca cu mireasa.
Sim. Count not four, except you have them in the wallet / Do not halloo till you are out of the wood / Never fry fish till it's caught. Cf. Don't sell the BEAR's skin before you have caught him / Do not count your CHICKENS before they are hatched / It is not good praising a FORD till a man be over. 95. A new BROOM sweeps clean. Matura noua matura bine. Var. New brooms sweep clean. 96. Good BROTH may be made in an old pot. Gaina batrana face ciorba (zeama) buna. 97. Between two BROTHERS two witness and a notary. Fratele iti scoate ochii. 98. BUILDING and marrying of children are great wasters. Cine si-a maritat fata si-si cladeste o casa cunoaste greutatile vietii. Sim. Building is a sweet impoverishing. 99. He who BUILDS by the roadside has many masters. Cine pe langa drum zideste multi stapani dobandeste. Sim. A house built by the wayside is either too high or too low. 100. He bellows like a BULL, but is as weak as a bulrush. Si broasca e mica, dar gura mare face. 101. Every man shall bear his own BURDEN.Fiecare isi va purta sarcina sa. * Galatians 6, 5 / Galateni 6, 5 102. BUSH natural; more hair than wit. Coada lunga, minte scurta. Plete lungi si minte scurta, judecata mai marunta. Sim. Long hair and short wit. 103. One beats the BUSH and another catches the birds. Unul umbla si strabate si pe alt fericirea-l bate. Unul casca gura si altul inghite. Sim. Little dogs start the hare, the great get her. Cf. The POOR man turns his cake and another comes and takes it away / One SOWS and another reaps. 104. BUSINESS is business. Frate, frate, dar branza-i pe bani. Sim. One hand will not wash the other for nothing. 105. The BUTCHER looked for his knife and it was in his mouth. Cauta luleaua si el cu ea-n gura. Cf. You look for the HORSE you ride on. 106. They that have got good store of BUTTER may lay it thick on their bread. Cine are bea si mananca, cine nu, sta si se uita. Cine poate oase roade, cine nu nici carne moale. 107. The BUYER needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one. Cine deschide ochii dupa ce cumpara, cumpara totdeauna marfa proasta.
Cine nu deschide ochii deschide punga. Sim. Let the buyer beware. C 1. CABBAGE twice cooked is death. Ciorba incalzita mult
strica la stomac. Ciorba incalzita nu-i buna
de mancare. Dati Cezarului cele ale Cezarului, iar lui Dumnezeu cele ale lui Dumnezeu. Sim. Every man should take his own. * Matthew 22, 21 / Matei. 22, 21 * Mark 12, 17 / Marcu 12, 17 * Luke 20, 25 / Luca 20, 25 3. You cannot have your CAKE and eat it. Nu poti fi si cu varza unsa si cu slanina-n pod. Nu poti fi si cu pui si cu oua si cu gaina grasa. Si cu porcul gras in batatura si cu slanina-n pod nu se poate. Si satul si cu punga plina nu se poate. 4. It is easier for a CAMEL to go through the eye of a needle than it is for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Camila vrand sa dobandeasca coarne si-a pierdut urechile. Nemultumitului i se ia darul. 6. A CANDLE lights others and consumes itself. Omul ca lumanarea, cand lumineaza, atunci se sfarseste. 7. It is sometimes good to hold a CANDLE to the devil. E bine a da si dracului o lumanare. Trebuie sa dai cateodata o lumanare si dracului. Sim. Give the devil his due. 8. When the CANDLES are out, all women are fair. Noaptea si hadele-s frumoase. Toanta, la lumanare, pare floare. 9. Where the CARCASE is, there shall the eagles be gathered together. Unde este starvul, acolo se aduna ciorile. Unde-i starvul mai mare, acolo se strang toti vulturii. Var. Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the ravens be gathered together. * Matthew 24, 28 / Matei 24, 28 * Luke 17, 37 / Luca 17, 37 10. CARE and diligence bring luck. Sarguinta e muma norocului. Prin munca si staruinta vei ajunge la dorinta. 11. A creaking CART goes long on the wheels. Carul care scartiie acela tine mai mult. Sim. A creaking door hangs long on its hinges. 12. Don't put the CART before the horse. Nu pune carul inaintea boilor. 13. The best CART may overthrow. Si cel mai bun caraus rastoarna carul pe cel mai bun drum. 14. The CASK savours of the first fill. Tot vasu spre aceia miroase, spre ce sa baga intr-insul mai nainte. Sim. It is kindly that the poke savour of the herring. 15. A blate CAT makes a proud mouse. Cand ai pisica batrana, soarecii-n casa fac stana. 16. A CAT has nine lives. Are noua suflete ca pisica. Femeia are noua suflete, ca pisicile. 17. A CAT in gloves catches no mice. Pisica cu papuci nu prinde soareci. 18. A scalded CAT fears cold water. Pisica oparita fuge si de
apa rece. Sim. Once bitten twice shy. Ce naste din pisica soareci mananca. Sim. Cat after kind, good mouse-hunt. Cf. He that comes of a HEN must scrape. 20. The CAT is hungry when a crust contents her. Flamandului si o bucata de mamaliga rece i se pare placinta. Sim. Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 21. The CAT would eat fish and would not wet her feet. Pisica dupa peste se prapadeste, dar nu si-ar uda labele sa-l prinda. 22. When the CAT's away, the mice will play. Cand pisica nu-i acasa, soarecii joaca pe masa. 23. All CATS are grey in the dark. Noaptea toata vaca-i neagra. Var. All cats are alike grey in the night. 24. Without CERES and Bacchus, Venus grows cold. Dragoste chioara pe rogojina goala. 25. The CHAIN is no stronger than its weakest link. Daca se rupe o veriga, tot lantul se desface. Cf. The THREAD breaks where it is weakest.
Obiceiul usureaza povara. 27. The CHARITABLE give out at the door, and God puts in at the window. Arunca binele tau in dreapta si in stanga si la nevoie ai sa-l gasesti. Binele ce-l faci la oarecine, ti-l intoarce vremea care vine. 28. CHARITY begins at home. Mila mi-e de tine, dar de mine mi se rupe inima. Cand casa ta are sete, nu varsa apa pe drumuri. Sim. Love your friend, but look to yourself / Every man is nearest himself. 29. CHARITY covers a multitude of sins. Dragostea acopera multime de
pacate. Dar din dar se face raiul. Cine defaima pe altul inaintea ta, el si pe tine o sa te defaime inaintea altuia. Cine inaintea noastra graieste pe altii de rau, si pe noi inaintea altora ne va grai de rau. 31. Those that eat CHERRIES with great persons shall have their eyes squirted out with the stones. Nu manca cirese cu unul mai mare la masa ca-ti arunca samburii in nas. Departe de cei mari, cand cirese mananca, ca toti samburii ii arunca in obrazul tau. Cu cei mari nu manca cirese, nici nu te trage-n degete. Var. Eat peas with the king, and cherries with the beggar. Sim. Share not pears with your master, either in jest or in earnest. 32. Take the CHESTNUTS out of the fire with the cat's paw. A scoate castanele din foc cu mana altuia. Sim. To take the nuts from the fire with the dog's foot. Cf. It is good to strike the SERPENT's head with your enemy's hand. 33. Do not count your CHICKENS before they are hatched. Toamna se numara bobocii. Sim. Never fry fish till it's caught / / Count not four, except you have them in the wallet / Do not halloo till you are out of the wood. Cf. Don't sell the BEAR's skin before you have caught him / Don't cross the BRIDGE till you come to it / It is not good praising a FORD till a man be over. 34. A burnt CHILD dreads the fire. Cine s-a ars cu ciorba sufla si in iaurt. Pe cine l-a ars pasatul sufla si in apa rece. Sim. Once bitten twce shy. Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A scalded DOG fears cold water / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms. 35. A CHILD may have too much of his mother's blessing. Copilul alintat e om stricat. Sim. Give a child till he craves, and a dog while his tail doth wave, and you'll have a fair dog, but a foul knave. 36. The CHILD says nothing, but what it heard by the fire. Astazi copilul te vinde intr-o lingura de apa. Sim. What children hear at home, soon flies abroad. 37. Better CHILDREN weep than old men. Mai bine sa planga ei acum decat sa plang eu mai tarziu. Sim. The man who has not been flogged is not educated. Cf. Spare the ROD and spoil the child. 38. CHILDREN and fools tell the truth. Copiii si nebunii spun adevarul. Var. Children and fools cannot lie. Cf. DRUNKARDS and fools cannot lie. 39. CHILDREN are poor men's riches. Multimea copiilor, averea omului. 40. CHILDREN when they are little make parents fools, when they are great they make them mad. Copii mici, griji mici, copii mari, griji mari. Var. Children when little make parents fool, when great, mad. 41. A CHIP off the old block. Tandara nu sare departe de trunchi. Nu intotdeauna e ziua de Pasti. Nu e intotdeauna vinerea mare. Cf. Every DAY is not Sunday. 43. CHRISTMAS in mud, Easter in snow. Cine umbla la Craciun in camase, la Pasti umbla cu cojoc. Var. Green Christmas brings white Easter. 44. The nearer the CHURCH, the farther from God. Cu trupul in biserica si cu gandul la dracu. Sim. He has one face to God and another to the devil. 45. A piece of CHURCHYARD fits everybody. Pamantul te naste, pamantul te creste, pamantul te mistuieste. 46. Hasty CLIMBERS have sudden falls. Cine sare cam sus indata cade jos. Sim. The bigger they are, the harder they fall / The higher standing, the lower fall / The higher the mountain, the greater descent. 47. No fine CLOTH can hide the clown. Porcu-i tot porc si-n ziua de Pasti. 48. Every CLOUD has a silver lining. Nici un rau fara bine. 49. After black CLOUDS, clear weather. Dupa nori ii si senin, dupa dragoste si suspin. Dupa vreme rea, si senin. Cf. After a STORM comes a calm. 50. Cut your COAT according to your cloth. Intinde petecul numai cat ajunge, ca se rupe. Sim. Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach. Cf. Stretch your LEGS according to your coverlet. 51. Do not look at the COAT, but at what is under the coat. Nu te uita la cojoc, ci te uita la ce e sub cojoc. Nu te uita la haine, ci la ce este in haine. 52. It is not the gay COAT that makes the gentleman. Haina nu face pe om (medic). Cf. The COWL does not make the monk. 53. Near is my COAT, but nearer is my shirt. Camasa e mai aproape de
piele decat haina. Camasa e mai aproape decat sumanul. Haina face pe om. Dupa coaja se vede pomul, dupa haina omul. Sim. Apparel makes the man / The garment makes the man / Fine feathers make fine birds / Dress up a stick and it does not appear to be a stick. 55. Under a ragged COAT lies wisdom. Sub frunza cea mai proasta se gaseste poama coapta. Cf. Never judge from APPEARANCES. 56. Let the COBBLER stick to his last. Cizmarul pentru cizme numai raspunde, iar nu si pentru nadragi. Var. Let not the cobbler (shoemaker) go beyond his last. 57. A COCK is bold on his own dunghill. Tot cocosul pe gunoiul lui canta.
Cocosul stapan pe gunoiul sau. 58. A ragged COLT may make a good horse. Dintr-o iapa tiganeasca iese un cal boieresc. Sim. Wanton kittens make sober cats. 59. The COMFORTER's head never aches.Durere straina sa-i fie de bine. 60. COMMAND your man and do it yourself. Singur cine isi gateste, el mai cu pofta pranzeste. 61. He is not fit to COMMAND others that cannot command himself. Cine nu se poate stapani pe sine, cum sa stapaneasca pe altul? Sim. He that is master of himself will soon be master of others. 62. He who COMMENCES many things finishes but few. Cine se apuca de multe, putine termina. Cand de multe de apuci, mai pe toate le incurci. Var. He who begins many things finishes but few. Sim. Overdoing is doing nothing to purpose. 63. Evil COMMUNICATIONS corrupt good manners. Adunarile cele rele strica deprinderile cele bune. Exemplele rele strica moravurile bune. * 1 Corinthians 15, 33 / 1 Corinteni 15, 33 64. There is no COMPANION like the penny. Prietenul omului este punga cu bani si sacul cu malai. 65. Better be alone than in bad COMPANY. Mai bine singur in casa decat in rea adunare. Sim. Better to be beaten than be in bad company. 66. Ill COMPANY brings many a man to the gallows. Cine are tovaras nerod ajunge din pod in glod. 67. CONFESS and be hanged. Cine cuteaza sa spuna adevarul poate lesne umbla batut ca marul. 68. A good CONSCIENCE is a soft pillow. Cugetul bun e cea mai moale perna. Sim. A good conscience is a continual feast. 69. A guilty CONSCIENCE feels continual fear. Omul de vina se teme si de umbra. Var. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Cf. The THIEF does fear each bush an officer. 70. CONTENT is happiness. Buna fericire nu sta in bogatie, ci intr-o multumire a inimii de starea ei. 71. CONTENT lodges oftener in cottages than palaces. Mai multa fericire e in bordeiul saracului decat in palatul bogatului. 72. No man is CONTENT with his lot. Nimeni nu-i multumit cu soarta lui. Sim. None is satisfied with his fortune. 73. They need much whom nothing will CONTENT.Lacomul, si satul, flamand este. 74. Too many COOKS spoil the broth. Cu doua bucatarese iese ciorba prea sarata sau nesarata. Copilul cu multe moase ramane cu buricul netaiat. Unde sunt doua cumnate, raman vase nespalate. Unde sunt noua fete, moare pisica de sete. Unde sunt popi multi, moare pruncul nebotezat. 75. A threefold CORD is not quickly broken. Sfoara pusa in trei nu se rupe degraba. Funia cea indoita cu mult mai mult tine decat cea dezdoita. * Ecclesiastes 4, 12 / Ecclesiastul 4, 12 76. In much CORN is some cockle. Nu e grau fara neghina. Cf. Every GRAIN has its bran. 77. He that counts all COSTS will never put plough in the earth. Cine socoteste cate foi intra-n placinta niciodata nu mananca placinta. Daca socoti placinta din cate paturi ii, n-o mai mananci. 78. Give neither COUNSEL nor salt till you are asked for it. Nu da sfat, neintrebat. Nu da povata celui ce nu ti-o cere, caci nu te asculta. Sare, pana nu cere, sa nu-i dai cuiva. Sim. Come not to counsel uncalled. 79. The COUNSEL thou wouldst have another keep, first keep it thyself. E lesne a povatui si anevoie a se povatui. 80. He that will not be COUNSELLED cannot be helped. Cine nu primeste sfat nu e nici de ajutat. Sim. In vain he craves advice that will not follow it. 81. Though thou hast never so many COUNSELLORS, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul. Pe toti sa-i asculti, dar din mintea ta sa nu iesi. Sa asculti de toata lumea, dar dintr-ale tale sa nu iesi. 82. So many COUNTRIES, so many customs. Cate tari, atatea obiceie. Cate bordeie, atatea obiceie. Cf. Every LAND has its own law. 83. In the COUNTRY of the blind the one-eyed man is king. In tara orbilor chiorul este imparat. Chiorul intre orbi este imparat (rege). Var. In the Kingdom of blind men, the one-eyed is king. 84. Where is well with me, there is my COUNTRY. Unde omul se multumeste, acolo raiul il gaseste. Sim. A wise (valiant) man esteems every place to be his own country. 85. Full of COURTESY, full of craft. Limba dulce, dos viclean. In fata te netezeste si in spate te ciopleste. 86. All COVET, all lose. Cine doreste mult pierde si pe cel putin. Sim. Grasp all, lose all. Cf. He that too much EMBRACETH holds little. 87. A COVETOUS man does nothing that he should till he dies. Daca scumpul moare, atunci ii invie averea. Cf. He is like a SWINE, he'll never do good while he lives. 88. A COVETOUS man serves his riches, not they him. Nu scumpul stapaneste banii, ci banii stapanesc pe scump. Scumpul nu e stapan pe banii lui, ci banii il stapanesc pe el. Sim. The rich are rather possessed by their money than possessors. 89. The COVETOUS spends more than the liberal. Scumpul mai mult pagubeste si lenesul mai mult alearga. 90. COVETOUSNESS breaks the bag. Lacomia sparge sacul. Var. Covetousness bursts the sack / Too much breaks the bag. Sim. Over covetous was never good. Cf. You can have TOO MUCH of a good thing..
91. It is idle to swallow the COW and choke on the tail. Tot boul l-am mancat si la coada m-am ostenit. Var. To swallow an ox, and be choked with the tail. 92. Let him that owns the COW, take her by the tail. Las, sa-i rupa coada a cui-i vaca. 93. Set a COW to catch a hare. A prinde iepurele cu carul. 94. The COW gives a good pail of milk and then kicks it over. Vaca rea da cu piciorul cand umple ciubarul. 95. The COWL does not make the monk. Rasa nu te face calugar. Nu tot ce poarta rasa si camilafca e calugar. Var. The hood (habit) does not make the monk. Cf. It is not the gay COAT that makes the gentleman. 96. Plant the CRAB-TREE where you will, it will never bear pippins. Pomul paduret, padurete poame scoate. 97. CREDITORS have better memories than debtors. Cine da nu uita; uita cel care ia. 98. He that dwells next door to a CRIPPLE will learn to halt. Cu schiopul impreuna de vei locui, te-nveti si tu a schiopata. Cu schiopii la un loc de sezi, te inveti sa schiopatezi. 99. He that mocks a CRIPPLE, ought to be whole.Pana a nu rade de cel ce schiopateaza, baga de seama bine, daca tu umbli cu mult mai bine. Nu rade de altii, uita-te la tine. Sim. If you mock the lame, you will go so yourself in time. 100. That which is CROOKED cannot be made straight. Ce-i stramb nu se poate indrepta. * Ecclesiastes 1, 15 / Ecclesiastul 1, 15 101. Every man has his CROSS to bear. Fiecare isi are necazurile sale. Cf. Every HEART has its own ache. 102. The CROSS on his breast and the devil in his heart. Crestin cu crucea-n san, cu dracu de-a spinare. A umbla cu crucea-n san si cu dracu in inima. Corbul in zadar se spala, ca negreata nu si-o pierde. Pe arap, cat de mult il vei spala tot negru va ramanea. 104. Breed up a CROW and he will tear out your eyes. Creste puii tai, ca de ei ai sa piei. Var. He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. Cf. To nourish a SNAKE (viper) in one's bosom. 105. The CROW thinks her own bird fairest. Ciorii i se par puii ei de paun. Si cioara isi lauda puii. Var. The owl thinks her own young fairest. Cf. FAIR is not fair, but that which pleases. 106. CROWS will not pick out crows' eyes. Corb la corb nu scoate ochii. Cioara la cioara nu-si scoate ochii. Var. Hawks will not pick out hawks' eyes. 107. Put not an embroidered CRUPPER on an ass. Fraiele de aur nu fac mai bun calul. Cf. My old MARE would have a new crupper. 108. CURSES, like chickens, come home to roost. Cine pe altii blesteama, urgii asupra isi cheama. 109. CUSTOM is a second nature. Obisnuinta-i o a doua natura. Deprinderea
e a doua natura. 110. CUSTOM rules the law. In sange se preface datina. Deprinderea
se face fire. 1. Where the DAM leaps over, the kid follows. Pe unde a sarit capra
trebuie sa sara si iada. Capra sare masa, iada sare casa. Cel care iubeste primejdia va cadea intr-insa. Sim. He that brings himself into needless dangers, dies the devil's martyr. * Ecclesiasticus 3, 26 / Sirah 3, 26 3. The DANGER past and God forgotten. Dupa a noastra scapare, nici un sfant cinste mai are. Sim. Once on shore, we pray no more./ The river past and God forgotten Cf. Call the BEAR uncle' till you are safe across the bridge . 4. He that would the DAUGHTER win must with the mother first begin. Vezi mama, apoi fata. Var. He that would the mistress win must with the maid first begin. Sim. Praise the child, and you make love to the mother. 5. DAUGHTERS and dead fish are no keeping wares. Fata pana-i marita, zile negre vei noda. Sim. Marry your daughter and eat fresh fish betimes / Marry your daughters betimes, lest they marry themselves. 6. All's alike at the latter DAY: a bag of gold and wisp of hay. Moartea nu va sa stie de averi, de bogatie. Sim. Death is the great leveller / Six feet of earth make all men equal / At the end of the game the King and the pawn go into the same bag. Nu-i toata ziua dumineca. Var. Every day is no Yule-day. Cf. CHRISTMAS comes but once a year. 8. He that fights and runs away may live to fight another DAY. Fuga e rusinoasa, dar e sanatoasa. 9. Praise a fair DAY at night. Dupa ce apune soarele lauda ziua. Ziua buna se lauda seara. Sa nu zici "ce zi frumoasa" pana nu va insera. Nu preamari ziua pana nu apune soarele. Var. Praise day at night, and life at the end. Sim. The evening crowns the day / Say no ill of the year till it be past. 10. Sufficient unto the DAY is the evil thereof. Ajunge zilei rautatea ei. Sim. No day passes without some grief. * Matthew 6, 34 / Matei 6, 34 11. DEAD men don't bite. Cine moare nu mai misca. 12. It is only the DEAD who do not return. Mortul de la groapa nu se mai intoarce. 13. Let the DEAD bury their dead. Lasa mortii sa-si ingroape mortii lor. Var. Let the dead bury the dead and (let) the living lead a gay life. Cf. We must LIVE by the quick (living), not by the dead. * Matthew 8, 22 / Matei 8, 22 14. Say nothing of the DEAD but what is good. De morti nu trebuie sa vorbesti decat de bine. Sim. Never speak ill of the dead / Speak well of the dead. 15. There's none so DEAF as those who will not hear. Nu e mai surd decat cel care nu vrea sa auda. Nu e mai surd ca surdul ce se face ca nu aude. Var. None so deaf as those who won't hear. 16. After DEATH the doctor. I-a venit doctorul dupa moarte. 17. DEATH keeps no calendar. Moartea nu spune cand vine. 18. DEATH makes equal the high and low. Mor intocmai ca tot omul si bogatul ca si robul. Sim. Death is the great leveller / At the end of the game the king and the pawn go into the same bag / Six feet of earth make all men equal. Cf. All's alike at the latter DAY: a bag of gold and wisp of hay / The END makes all equal. 19. Fear of DEATH is worse than death itself.
Moartea lupului e sanatatea oilor. 21. DEATHS foreseen come not. Moartea nu vine cand o chemi, ci te ia cand nu te temi. 22. Of ill DEBTORS men take oats. De la un datornic rau s-un sac de paie este bun. De la un datornic rau nu vei lua nimic decat la poarta raiului. Cf. From a bad PAYMASTER get what you can. 23. He who pays his DEBTS begins to make a stock. Omul e avut cand nu e dator nimic. Cine nu e dator e destul de bogat. Sim. Out of debt, out of danger. 24. A good DEED is never lost. Fapta buna nu moare niciodata. Sim. One never loses by doing a good turn. Cf. DO well and have well / One good TURN deserves another. 25. DEEDS are males, and words are females. Vorbele sunt femei, faptele sunt barbati. 26. DEEDS, not words. Faptele, faptele nu oala cu laptele. Cf. ACTIONS speak louder than words. 27. All is not lost that is DELAYED. Amanarea nu-i pierzare. Ce s-a amanat nu s-a uitat. Sim. Delays are not denials. 28. He that asks faintly begs a DENIAL. Cel neindraznet pierde multe bunuri. 29. It is easier to DESCEND than to ascend. Intr-un an de zile te sui la deal si intr-un ceas te scobori la vale. 30. He that has shipped the DEVIL must make the best of him. Bagi pe dracul in casa cu lautari, si nu-l poti scoate cu sute de arhierei. Aduci pe dracul in casa cu lautari si apoi nu-l scoti cu o mie de popi. Sim. He that takes the devil into his boat must carry him over the sound. 31. One DEVIL drives out another. Dracu alb mananca p-al negru. Sim. One poison drives out another. Cf. LIKE cures like / One NAIL drives out another. 32. Talk of the DEVIL, and he is bound to appear. Vorbesti de dracul si el din dreptul tau. Sim. The devil is never nearer than when we are talking of him / The devil is never far off. Cf. Talk of the WOLF and his tail appears. 33. The DEVIL is not so black as he is painted. Dracul nu e asa de negru cum il zugravesc oamenii. Nu e dracul asa de negru cum se spune. Sim. The lion is not so fierce as he is painted. 34. The DEVIL knows many things because he is old. Fa-ti cruce mare, ca e dracu batran. 35. The DEVIL loves no holy water. Fuge ca dracul de tamaie. 36. The DEVIL lurks behind the cross. Cate cruci vei face dracul tot la spate sade. 37. The DEVIL was sick, the devil a monk would be; the devil was well, the devil a monk was he. Dracu cand a imbatranit, atunci s-a calugarit. Var. The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be. 38. The DEVIL's meal is all bran. Faina dracului se preface toata in tarate. 39. DIAMOND cut diamond. Cu diamantul se taie diamantul. 40. A man can DIE but once. O moarte are omul. Fiecare-i dator c-o moarte. 41. Better DIE with honour than live with shame. Mai bine moarte cinstita
decat viata necinstita. Mai bine mort decat cu rusinea in
nas. Zarurile au fost aruncate. 43. He that DIED half a year ago is as dead as Adam. Ce intra in pamant curand se uita. Cine a murit an, an s-a ingropat. Sim. To dead men and absent there are no friends left. 44. Cast no DIRT into the well that hath given you water. Nu scuipa in put, caci se poate intampla sa bei din el. Nu turbura fantana ce te-a indestulat. 45. A DISEASE known is half cured. Boala cunoscuta (stiuta) e pe jumatate vindecata. Sim. A danger foreseen is half avoided. 46. Desperate DISEASES must have desperate remedies. Pe durerea mare alta mai mare o tamaduieste. Var. Desperate cuts must have desperate remedies. 47. DISEASES come on horseback, but go away on foot. Boala vine cu posta si se intoarce pe jos. Cf. MISCHIEF comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce. 48. Of two DISPUTANTS, the warmer is generally in the wrong. Cine nu are dreptate, acela tipa mai tare. Vinovatul mai mare gura face. 49. Make me a DIVINER and I will make thee rich. Fa-ma, de poti, prooroc, ca sa te fac cu noroc. Fa-ma, Doamne, prooroc, sa te fac imparat. 50. DO as I say, not as I do. Nu faceti ce fac eu, ci faceti ce zic eu. Cf. DO as the friar says, not as he does. 51. DO as the friar says, not as he does. Fa ce zice popa, nu face ce face el. Ce zice popa sa faci, dar ce face popa sa nu faci. Cf. DO as I say, not as I do. 52. DO as you may if you can't do as you would. Cand nu putem face ce voim, trebuie sa voim ce putem. Fa ce poti, cand n-ai alta de facut. Sim. If we can't as we would, we must do as we can / He that may not do as he would, must do as he may. 53. DO as you would be done by. Ce tie nu-ti place altuia nu face. Cf. DO unto others as you would they should do unto you. 54. DO not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know. Nu spune tot ce stii, nu crede tot ce auzi. 55. DO right and fear no man. Fa-ti datoria si nu te teme. Fa bine si nu te teme de nimene. Sim. Do well and dread no shame. 56. DO unto others as you would they should do unto you. Ceea ce vreti sa va faca voua oamenii, faceti si voi lor. Cf. DO as you would be done by. * Matthew 7, 12 / Matei 7, 12 * Luke 6, 31 / Luca 6, 31 57. DO well and have well. Bine faci, bine gasesti. Cine face bine, bine gaseste. Sim. Do good: thou doest it for thyself. Cf. A good DEED is never lost / One good TURN deserves another. 58. If thou thyself canst DO it, attend no other's help or hand. Ce poti face singur nu astepta sa-ti faca altii. 59. If you want a thing well done, DO it yourself. Carele insusi face, face cat trei. 60. Self DO, self have. Cine face, siesi face. Cine face, lui isi face. 61. A barking DOG never bites.Cainele care latra nu musca. Cainele ce mult latra niciodata nu musca.
Sim. His bark is worse than his bite / Great barkers are no biters / Brag's a good dog, but dares not bite. 62. A living DOG is better than a dead lion. Mai bine un caine viu decat un leu mort. * Ecclesiastes 9, 4 / Ecclesiastul 9, 4 63. A scalded DOG fears cold water. Cainele, cand l-ai oparit, fuge si de apa rece. Sim. Once bitten twice shy. Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms. 64. An old DOG barks not in vain. Cainele batran nu latra degeaba. Cf. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel. 65. Beware of a silent DOG and still water. Fereste-te de caine mut si de om tacut. Cel tacut si smerit ca apa cea lina ce indata te insala. Var. Beware of a silent man and still water. 66. DOG does not eat dog. Caine pe caine nu mananca. Lupii nu se mananca intre dansii. 67. He that keeps another man's DOG shall have nothing left him but the line. Nu da paine cainilor altuia, ca te latra ai tai. 68. He that would hang his DOG gives out first that he is mad. Cine vrea sa-si
ucida cainele sau destul sa zica ca
e turbat. Sim. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. Cand latra un caine batran sa iesi afara. Caine batran sa te pazesti, din casa ta sa nu izgonesti. Cf. If you wish good ADVICE, consult an old man / An old DOG barks not in vain. 70. Like the gardener's DOG, that neither eats cabbages himself, nor lets anybody else. Cainele sade pe fan: nici mananca, nici va sa lase calul macar sa-l miroase. Cainele osul nu-l roade si nici pe altul nu-l lasa sa-l roada. 71. Love me, love my DOG. Cinsteste pe caine pentru al sau stapan. Pentru stapan si pe caine mangai. 72. You cannot teach an old DOG new tricks. Calul batran cu greu se invata la ham. Var. It is hard to teach an old dog tricks. 73. Cut off a DOG's tail and he will be a dog still. In zadar gugulesti coada de caine, ca tot aceea ramane. 74. Dead DOGS bite not. Cainele mort nu mai musca. 75. DOGS bark, but the caravan goes on. Cainii latra, caravana trece. Cf. The MOON does not heed the barking of dogs. 76. DOGS wag their tails, not so much in love to you as to your bread. Nu te increde in cainele care da din coada. Miluieste cainele de vrei sa-ti fataie coada. 77. If you lie down with DOGS, you will get up with fleas. Cine doarme cu cainii se scoala plin de purici. Var. He that sleeps with dogs must rise up with fleas. 78. Let sleeping DOGS lie. Nu destepta cainele care doarme. Cand doarme cainele lasa-l in pace. Sim. Wake not a sleeping lion. 79. Many DOGS may easily worry* one hare. Multi caini sunt moartea iepurelui. *kill 80. Two DOGS strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. Cand doi se cearta al treilea castiga. 81. Two DOGS to one bone, may never accord in one. Doi caini se naravesc la un os. Var. Two dogs over one bone seldom agree. 82. By DOING nothing we learn to do ill. Lucrul face sanatate, trandavia tot pacate. Cf. IDLENESS is the mother of all vice. 83. In DOING we learn. Facand i |
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