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VSAT Network Design and Simulation
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In this section we present a few articles and applications regarding studies over the VSAT network and also some software tools we found.

1. A Simulation Study of a Broadband Multimedia VSAT network

- is a simulation approach for assessment of quality of service and bandwidth utilisation for a meshed broadband VSAT system over a geostationary satellite. u4l8lo
- A multi-frequency timedivision multiple access is used (MF_TDMA) with an integrated call admission control (CAC) and bandwidth on demand (BOD) algorithm for uplink from the VSATs.
- Traffic source models of variation multimedia services are implemented along with the CAC and BOD scheme using OPNET. Using this simulation platform, we measure the quality of service for different applications and uplink bandwidth utilization.
- After extensive simulation experiment for various traffic mixes, the results refer to uplink throughput, SIT queing delay and end-to-end queing delai.
- Based on the results several issues can be effectively addressed. For example, the system designers can determine how to mix different applications to obtain maximum capacity utilization network revenue, guarantee the QoS for all applications with limited network resources, and implement buffers of sufficient size to reduce loss.

2. Optimal resource Utilisation in VSAT Networks

- Provides optimal resource utilization for various traffic streams in VSAT networks.
- Presents various types of traffic such as bursty, demand based traffic and multimedia traffic and worked on the problem of optimal utilization of the satellite bandwidth under various traffic conditions. A GUI oriented discrete-event simulator in Visual C++, is decvelopped and implemented many MAC layer protocols like ALOHA, R-ALOHA, FDMA, TDMA, frequency hopping and their combinations for simulation and study of various scenarios.
- An ALOHA protocol simulator written in Visual C++. All the parameters are adjustable and it shows the packets animation in real-time.

- A Visual MAC Simulator was that automatically does bandwidth utilization analysis and outputs a report file. Sources can be configured and any number can be added. It supports many different kinds of sources and also many different MAC protocols like Aloha, FDMA, TDMA, FTDMA etc. It activates the sources and records actual bandwidth utilization. Purpose was to find efficient ways of bandwidth utilization in VSAT networks.

- There are also available some graphs generated by the simulator with some of the MAC protocols we tried.

3. Digisim 3.0 Satellite Communications Software

- DIGISIM can help planning for new satellite digital transmission services, preserving link quality of existing services and supporting spectrum coordination processes.
- DIGISIM can serve satellite operators, teleports, VSAT-operators etc., in areas as diverse as link analysis, transmission planning, system engineering, systems architecture, spectrum coordination, interference control, and more.
- DIGISIM is a time-domain simulation tool, simultaneously generating up to 3 modulated carriers, passed through individual satellite transponders or sharing one transponder. Each carrier can be independently configured for offset frequency, symbol rate and modulation type. Supported modulation formats are QPSK, Offset-QPSK, BPSK, 8-PSK and 16-QAM. Roll-off factor of pulse-shaping filters can be independently set for transmitter and receiver. Automatic receiver clock synchronisation can be overridden by manual control. Additional carriers can be added to create a desired interference or inter-modulation scenario. Each transponder can be individually configured with user-supplied filter and (TWT-)nonlinearity response files. The built-in filter set-up algorithm performs GD-to-phase conversion and re-interpolation necessary for filter computation. Transponder input back-off and relative output levels are individually adjustable. Multipath interference from adjacent uplinks is included by default, can be disabled. Dynamic uplink pre-distortion can be individually enabled to compensate for Imux-, TWT- and/or Omux-responses of each active transponder. Carrier phase noise can be enabled, combining cascaded contributor spectra (up-converter, on-board LO, LNB) read from file. Phase noise spectrum can also be manually entered as discrete points on a logarithmic scale, and stored to file if desired. Result of each simulation run is presented as a Symbol-Error-Rate(SER)-curve plotted against Eb/N0, Es/N0, C/N in Nyquist bandwidth or user bit rate. Multiple SER-curves can be overlaid, edited and annotated for comparison between runs. Waveform plots (constellation plot, output spectrum, eye-diagram, I/Q waveform plot), as well as possibly generated phase noise spectrum plots can be called from menu functions. The computed output spectrum can be exported to file. The user interface is fully GUI-based, facilitating parameter entry and file loading.
- It is not a freeware software.

References :

· “Simulation Study for a Broadband Multimedia VSAT Network” -; Yi Qian, Rose Hu and Hosame Abu-Amara
· “Optimal Resource Utilisation in VSAT Networks” -; AshishGupta

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