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Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Mini biography
Three-time Mr. Universe and seven-time Mr. Olympia who, in the course of 20 years, has become one of the world's leading box-office attractions, married into one of America's foremost families and built a thriving business and real estate empire.
Schwarzenegger played forgettable roles in several 1970s movies. He earned a Golden Globe as best newcomer for his role in Bob Rafelson's Stay Hungry (1976) and starred in two swordplay sagas, Conan the Barbarian (1981) and Conan the Destroyer (1984), each of which grossed over $100 million worldwide. Schwarzenegger's screen persona, a physique that strains the imagination combined with a thick Austrian accent, took a major credibility boost with Terminator, The (1984), which cast him as an android. His trademark, automaton-like delivery of minimal lines such as "I'll be back".
Schwarzenegger's has been a carefully orchestrated career, reflecting an aggressive business and marketing acumen which has also brought him success in other fields (he now produces the "Mr. Universe" and "Mr. Olympia" pageants he once dominated). With an eagerness to adapt reminiscent of some of the earlier immigrants who founded America's entertainment industry, he has wholeheartedly embraced the American way, becoming a naturalized citizen in 1983. Schwarzenegger was appointed Chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in 1990.
Growing up in a small, isolated village in Austria, he turned to bodybuilding as his ticket to a better life. After conquering the world as the greatest bodybuilder who ever lived, he went to America to make his name in motion pictures. Hampered by his impossible name and thick accent, success eluded him for many years. It wasn't until he found the tailor- made role of Conan that he truly came into his own as a performer. A succession of over-the-top action films made him an international box office star. By alternating violent action films with lighter, comedic fare, he has solidified his position as one of the most popular--if not the most popular--movie stars in the world.

Trade mark
Frequent movie line "I'll be back"
Often has his character say comedic one liners that puncuate the action.
Many of his films have his characters doing feats of strength to match his muscular look, eg Commando (1985) where he is first seen in the film carrying a whole tree trunk on his shoulder.
Personal quotes
"I was always interested in proportion and perfection. When I was fifteen, I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror. When I stared at myself naked, I realized that to be perfectly proportioned I would need twenty-inch arms to match the rest of me."
End of Days (1999) $25,000,000 (USA)
Batman & Robin (1997) $25,000,000 (USA)

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